Page 18 - 2021-12 Courier FlipBook
P. 18

On Saturday, the 30th of October, we
            held our Club Championship matches.  It

            was very exciting as many of our players  2021 Bocce
            and guests were in attendance.  On the
            cover of this Courier is the picture of our
            Friday morning league champions and
            your new Club Championship
            team.  Bragging rights will be theirs for
            the next year, and well deserved without a
            doubt. Our silver medal winning team
            from Monday morning is also pictured
            with this article,  as well as all ten league
            championship teams. Congratulations to
            all our winners, and the many players that
            made the year so successful.
            Following our matches, Back Forty
            catered our annual BBQ. We  had almost
            200 attendees and that too, I would call a
            great success.
                                                                                 2nd Place Team and Monday AM Bocce Champs
            We look forward to 2022 and another                                   Jim Kinghorn, Jerry Prola, Terry Edwards & Dan Frick
            season of fun competition and socializing
            with the great people here at the Club.

                              Tuesday AM Bocce Champs                                                 Monday PM Bocce Champs
                 Roy Vanoni, Kelly Givens, Bud Miller & Bob Gutierrez                      Mike Casey, Rick Wohl, Susan Ralls & Greg Geiger

                             Tuesday PM Bocce Champs                                               Wednesday AM Bocce Champs
          Sharon Leibowitz, Denise Caputo, Brian Parry & Caroline Crawford               Mike Reimers, Sharon Gentry, Jill Coats & Alan Uman

                                                        December 2021                                               Page 18
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