Page 20 - 2023-02
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Featured Resident -
Each month we feature a resident in the community and
share with you their passion. They might write the article
themselves or they ask for assistance from the Community
Have you visited our website at Connections Committee who will gladly conduct an inter-
view. See page 36 as we get to learn about Dick Tipton 4. Reading the Current or previous Couriers. Added bonus, on our
this month. Next month we will enjoy spectacular pictures
website all the photos are in color.
of Pamela Stephens backyard and how she found her love
for gardening. We want to learn about you! Please contact
If you are having trouble logging in you can contact the office and 5. Reviewing the Upcoming Events.
ask for Shannon anyone or the Community Connections Committee me to be a Featured Resident.
for help. The office number is: 916-771-7801. 6. Getting involved with Special Interest Groups. You can find out
what Groups are available on the website, when they meet, and
What does our website have to offer? who to contact. You can sign up for a group by checking the
1. The resident directory is on our website and it is searchable special interest group you are interested in in your profile or by
in ways you can’t do with the print directory. For example, contacting a person named on the SIG’s group page.
searching by street name, finding everyone who lives on your
street, finding someone by first name or by a pet’s name if they 7. In addition, the website has recipes, a pet directory, the commu-
entered it. nity’s governing documents, and a directory of the businesses
that support our community.
2. Creating an RSVP for a SIG or responding to an RSVP from a
SIG. Community Connections Committee Members Happy to Help
Debbie Ferris 916-616-6779
3. Checking the Community Calendar. Rebecca Jenkins 661-312-1012
Barbara Allen 818-270-8837
February 2023 Page 20