Page 21 - 2023-02
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Helping Hands was started in March 2009 with the goal of cards to residents who are ill, have had sur-
being a Community Service organization by helping our resi- gery, or experienced a death in the family.
dents in a myriad of ways. Over the years we have evolved, (Please email so
and now, while still involved in helping our own residents, we that we can send them a card.) In addition, we will run errands
have expanded to help the larger community by holding 3 for housebound neighbors including picking up a prescription
major fundraisers which allows us to donate significantly to at the Pharmacy or a few items from the store.
local charities. Lately, we have been having trouble getting volunteers to help
Our three major fundraisers are our Spring Fashion Show and in these endeavors. Unfortunately, we have had to cancel this
Luncheon, to be held this year on May 4, our Chili Booth held January’s Coffee and Chat for lack of volunteers from either
in conjunction with the Fall Club Open House, and our Bake Helping Hands members, or non-member residents. We also
Sale and Hot Dog Lunch at the Craft Fair in December. need volunteers to send cards. We also had a difficult time
In addition, we have an annual All Resident Get-Together in getting volunteers for the Chili Booth and the Bake Sale.
January to get input and feedback from residents. On March To continue to be Helping Hands, we need your Helping
1 we have planned an All-Resident Wine Social with a Guest Hands to volunteer for our various events. You do not need to
Speaker. Iseline Annonio MPH, a certified Health Coach and be an HH member to volunteer. Please help us to continue our
Master Lifestyle expert, will speak to us about “Dealing With wonderful tradition of helping those in and outside The Club.
Illness.” Also on the schedule is our monthly Coffee and Chat If you would like more information about Helping Hands,
on the last Friday of each month for all residents to mingle and please email
enjoy treats donated by residents. We also send
February 2023 Page 21