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                           Christina Gee

                           2023 ARC Updates                                      2023 Compliance Updates
                           In 2023, there were a total of 152 ARC applications   In 2023, there were a total of 104 compliance matters sent to mem-
                           submitted for review and approval. Out of the 152     bers. Out of the 104, 71 compliance matters have been closed. Four
             applications, two (2) were withdrawn by the owners and eight (8)    (4) of those were Calls to Hearing that were resolved prior to the
             were declined. Out of the eight (8) that were originally declined, four  hearing date. Of the outstanding matters, 28 have received a 1  Cour-
             (4) were re-submitted and approved with requested changes and/or    tesy Notice and five (5) have received a 2  Reminder Notice. Those
             clarification provided.                                             that have received a 2  Reminder Notice will soon receive a Call to
                                                                                 Hearing Notice if compliance is not achieved by the date provided on
             Anyone who submits an ARC application and is denied approval has  the notice.
             the right to appeal the ARC Committee’s decision to the Board of    Should you receive a courtesy compliance notice and do not under-
             Directors. Your appeal must be in writing. You are more than wel-   stand why you have received it, please do not hesitate to contact ei-
             come to email the Board directly at This  ther me or General Manager Laura Young for assistance. We will
             is now noted on the new ARC Application to be used.                 provide as much detailed information as possible.

             For use beginning in 2024, we have updated the ARC Application on  2023 Work Order Update
             the TCWP website as well as Connect and in the office kiosk. This   In 2023, there were a total of 807 work orders issued. Out of the 807
             new application also has the appeal process noted for reference, if   work orders, 320 were for landscape concerns and 424 were for irri-
             needed. To keep all applications uniform, the ARC Committee is ask-  gation concerns. The remaining 63 work orders were for common
             ing that this be the only application used for modification request(s).    area repairs including things like pool, spa, concrete, Retreat, etc). As
             Any prior applications that are in circulation will not be accepted af-  of December 11, 2023, fourteen (14) work orders remain pending
             ter January 31, 2024. PLEASE be sure to obtain a new application    completion.
             from any of the above sources noted or ask the office staff for assis-
                                                                                 As always, if you have a landscape maintenance issue, request or
                                                                                 repair, please contact Management for assistance.

                         FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR                                UPCOMING EVENTS                  DATE                TIME
                                                                                      RETREAT CLOSED                  Sun., Dec. 31st       All Day
                          Shannon Van Every                                           RETREAT CLOSED                  Mon, Jan. 1st         All Day
                 or 916-771-7801
                                                                                      Polar Plunge                    Tues., Jan. 2nd       3:00pm
                                                                                      Spaghetti Feed                  Fri., Jan. 5th        6:00pm
                                                                                      Crystal Candle Workshop         Mon., Jan. 8th        6:30pm
            We are kicking off 2024 with a jump in The Retreat pool.   Come down
            and join us.  You can jump in too or watch the craziness. The “Plunge” will   Trivia                      Tue., Jan. 16th       6:30pm
            take place on January 2nd at 3pm.                                         Color Pencil Class              Wed., 17, 24 & 31     3:00pm
                                                                                      It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere        Fri., Jan. 19th       5:00pm
            There is a great line up of live music with a “It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere” on  Metabolism Presentation with Iselin  Mon., Jan. 22nd  9:30am
            January 19th with Steve Evans who has guaranteed it to be a dance party.  ARC Committee Meeting           Tues., Jan. 23rd      8:30am
            A Jazz Night on January 28th with Shelley Burns and Company.  Next is     Potluck                         Tues., Jan. 23rd      5:30pm
            Concert Pianist Frank Wiens on February 4th.  Frank’s program has never   Travel Presentation             Thur., Jan. 25th      4:00pm
            disappointed, and we're lucky to have him back again this year! Then on   Movie Night - Twister           Fri., Jan. 26th       6:30pm
            February 23rd we will have an evening of French Music with Duo Gadjo.
            Look forward to seeing a live music event or two scheduled for each       Jazz Night                      Sun., Jan. 28th       6:30pm
            month.                                                                    Board Meeting                   Wed., Jan. 31st       3:00pm
                                                                                      Pianist Frank Wiens             Sun., Feb. 4th        3:00pm
            The Retreat will be the happening place to watch the Super Bowl this year.    Dementia Presentation       Mon., Feb. 5th        3:00pm
            We will have the TV’s on and supply some light snacks.  The Library, Café  Fish Fossil Preparation Class  Tues., Feb. 6th      10:00am
            and Fireplace Room will be set up for watching the big game. Gambling/    Super Bowl Party                Sun., Feb. 11th       2:30pm
            betting is prohibited so there won’t be any organized “pools”.
                                                                                      Valentines Party                Wed., Feb. 14th       6:00pm
            Happy New Year and see you at The Retreat!                                It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere        Fri., Feb. 23rd       5:00pm
                                                                                      Sound Healing                   Mon, Feb. 26th        3:00pm
                                                                                      Crab Feeds

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