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Association Events
Is your metabolism broken? Frank Wiens Concert Pianist
3 ways to repair your metabolism Sunday, February 4th at 3:00 p.m.
Monday, January 22nd from 9:30-10:45 a.m. The program will include works by Mozart, the
Have you tried every crazy diet, scary pill, and excessive Beethoven Pathetique sonata, a work based on
exercise program only to end up weighing more than when Wade in the Water by Margaret Bonds, a nocturne
you started? and scherzo by Chopin, and the famous Liszt sonata
Are you afraid of stepping on the scale because you know you won’t like $15.00/ per person RSVP in advance at The
what you see? Retreat
Do you think that through all of the craziness you have broken your
What if you could fix your metabolism and keep the weight off for Dementia Presentation
good? And eat like everyone else. Monday, February 5th at 3:00 p.m.
In this seminar you will learn the 3 most powerful ways that you can take Max Perry from the Alzheimer’s Aid Society and
control of your metabolism and discuss what needs to change in order for Margo Staplin with NorCal Care Solutions are
your metabolism to work for you. taking their time to come here and talk about this
Iselin Annonio, MPH, Certified Health Coach, Master Lifestyle Expert difficult topic. Max will share about the Alzheimer's
$10.00 / per person RSVP at The Retreat Aid Society, plus what dementia is and why it’s
important to get a diagnosis as to what type.
Travel Presentation Margo will talk about caregiving for someone with
Thursday, January 25th at 4:00 p.m. Dementia.
Faith Alchorn- Selk will be here from American They will then take your questions.
Cruise Lines. This is a wonderful Cruise Line that RSVP in advance at The Retreat
offers great itineraries throughout the US including
the Mississippi Rivers, Great Lakes, Columbia and
Snake Rivers, New England cruises, and more! Fish Fossil “Preparation” Class
FREE - RSVP in advance at The Retreat Starting Tuesday, February 6th at 10:00 a.m.
Enjoy guidance from David Komar, B.Ed.,
M.A. Ed., M.F.A., as you “hand prepare” your
Movie Night at The Retreat - Twister fish fossil specimen, (Green River Basin,
Friday, January 26th at 6:30 p.m. Kemmerer, Wyoming – the fossil capital of the
TV weatherman Bill Harding is trying to get his tornado- world!) The process of “Mechanical
hunter wife, Jo, to sign divorce papers so he can marry his Preparation” is used when physical force is
girlfriend Melissa. But Mother Nature, in the form of a used to remove the matrix (sandstone) from
series of intense storms sweeping across Oklahoma, has around the fossil specimen. A fish fossil is
other plans. Soon the three have joined the team of provided, with hands-on assistance, along with
stormchasers as they attempt to insert a revolutionary specimen mounting techniques. A short list of tools is recommended
measuring device into the very heart of several extremely when you sign up. Unleash your inner Paleontologist in an exclusive
violent tornados. Movie run time is 1 hour and 53 stone preparation class - bring friends and embark on a creative journey
minutes together.
Many thanks to Gabe Singh with Xfinity our event sponsor! Discover Fossil Preparation, unleash creativity, and reserve your
Gabe will be on hand to provide drinks and refreshments as well as spot today!
answer any Xfinity questions you may have. Minimum of 6 people.
FREE - RSVP in advance at The Retreat 3 Week Class $80.00 / per person RSVP in advance at The Retreat
Jazz Night with Shelley Burns and Company
Sunday, January 28th from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Super Bowl Party
Enjoy a night of Swing, Bassa Nova, and Blues
with Shelley Burns. She has been performing Sunday, February 11th at 2:30 p.m.
Watch the big game at The Retreat!
professionally virtually all of her life and is TV’s will have the game on in The Café,
regarded as one of the premier jazz vocalists on Library and Fireplace room.
the west coast. Her recordings have been heard
on jazz radio stations across the nation, and she Light snacks and cookies will be provided
by the HOA. Feel free to bring in any food
has appeared at many jazz festivals in the U.S, you would like. You are also welcome to
as well as in Scotland and Canada.
$15.00 / per person RSVP in advance at bring a beverage of your choice to enjoy.
Coffee, tea, and water will be available, as always. No “pools” or betting.
The Retreat
FREE - RSVP in advance at The Retreat
January 2024 Page 6