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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                        Bunco                                                                Club Trekkers

         The Club's Bunco Group meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30    It’s time to circle the date of Wednesday, 3/27/2024, on your calendar.
         pm at The Retreat. Registration begins at 6:15 pm.                      The Trekkers have a reservation for a group hike in the Sutter Buttes.
          Join us for a night of fun with friends, exciting new format,          The area can only be entered with a guided hike.  The group size is
         refreshments, gift cards and surprises.                                 limited from a minimum of 10 people to a maximum of 20 people.  The
         Club members and guests are welcome!                                    fee is $30 per person, plus about $10 carpool fee.  An email will be sent
         Cost: $5.00 per night, $15.00 for a 3 month punch card. All money       out in early March with more details.
         collected goes for gift cards. There are gift cards for "Most Bunco's",   Normal Club Trekker hikes will be on the first and third Tuesdays of
         "Most Wins", "Most Losses" and the new "Baby Bunco".                    each month and the Saturdays immediately following those Tuesdays.
         NOTE: If you want to be                                                 On the other Saturdays of the month we normally conduct neighborhood
         included on the Bunco                                                   walks.  Two days before each hike or walk we send out an email with
         notifications, contact me                                               details regarding the next hike or walk to members of the Club Trekkers.
         and I will add you to the                                               Specific hikes may change if the weather changes, and trail safety is
         list. ALSO, if you are on                                               impacted, but the dates will almost always stay the same.
         the email list and want to                                              1/1/24  Monday (instead of Tuesday this week) - 3.8 miles, easy, Avery’s
         be removed, contact me                                                  Pond, Loomis
         and I'll remove you from                                                1/6/24 Saturday -  6.4 miles, moderate, Lake Clementine Loop, Auburn
         the list.                                                               1/13/24 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
         Jan Frack                                                               1/16/24 Tuesday -  4.8 miles, moderate, Karen’s Bakery to Folsom
         408-425-8108                                                            Crossing, Folsom
                                                                                 1/20/24 Saturday -  6.9 miles, moderate, Darrington Trail, near El
                 December Bunco Winners: Most Buncos-Linda Largent               Dorado Hills
                  Most Wins Lorna Pinkoff. Most Losses Sharon Clark              1/27/24 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
                                                                                 2/3/24  Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
                CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)
                                                                                               Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters

           We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Hanukkah.  CRI’s
         December Party was a great celebration and a huge success.  We feasted   We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library.   If you
                                                                                 have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222
         on an Italian themed charcuterie buffet and many of us sang the songs of
         the season around the piano being played by Ramona Crabtree.  A big                                 Club Veterans
         “Thank You” to Gina Stamper and her team for another successful event.  This Veterans Day was more special than usual for our group. As we
           January is the beginning of a very busy election year.  CRI is looking   gathered there with other Vets for the grand opening and a tour of the
         forward to hosting many of the candidates and discussions around
         propositions that will be on the ballot.  Our goal is to ensure that we have   University’s First Veterans Resource Center. Our donations help create
                                                                                 and build this quiet place for the 87 vets now attending Jessup getting
         informed voters.                                                        their degrees. They now have a quiet place to study, meet and adjust to
           Our January meeting will feature Jonathan Zachreson, Roseville City   civilian life while completing the next step in their lives. In addition,
         School Board Trustee, and his propositions to “Protect Kids CA”.  Look
         for the invite with more information coming soon.                       they will have immediate access to the VA officers who are there to
                                                                                 assist and expedite for them any benefits for which they qualify. This is
         Upcoming Events: (look for flyers with details)                         the first center of its kind for any University here in Northern CA. Our
         • CRI Meeting- January 4th in the Wellness Room at 6:30PM
         • Placer County GOP Meeting – January 10th                              goal and Jessup’s goal is “NO veteran will graduate with debt!” A tall
                                                                                 order but it seems to be working. 99% of their students graduate and go
         • Lincoln, Reagan, Trump Dinner – February 3rd at the Blue Goose in     on to successful careers. It must be mentioned that this year along with
             For more information about our Group contact Randy at               our usual donation, the Club Vets have offered our first scholarship to a  To join our group contact Alice at               deserving Veteran attending school at Jessup. It will be awarded in the
                                                                                 Spring along with all the other earned scholarships.
                                                                                 Later after the tour the Veterans were escorted over to the gym to watch
                                     Club Crafters                               Jessup play Oregon Tech. We all had a great time; the kids were very
                                                                                 appreciative. Thank you all for your support throughout the year. Happy
         Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join    Holidays to you all! See pictures on page 25.
         us.  We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in the library.  Dig out those
         unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I                                      Cornhole
         guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs.  We would like to invite   Cornhole (also known regionally as sack toss, or bags) is a lawn game in
         new residents to stop by anytime and come see what we are doing and     which players or teams take turns throwing fabric bean bags at a raised,
         perhaps entice you to join our group.
         We also accept yarn and needlework items you no longer want.  If you    angled board with a hole in its far end. The goal of the game is to score
                                                                                 points by either landing a bag on the board (one point) or putting a bag
         would like more information about our group, please contact Dona Smith   through the hole (three points).
         at (916) 771-8039 or email
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