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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                     Line Dancing                                                             Poker Club
        The Line Dance group is sending wishes for a blessed Holiday Season     Both men and women. We play different games, dealer choice, and we
        filled with fun, relaxation, happiness, and laughter along with all the   start at 6pm to 9pm every Wednesday. We do not play "Wild" games.
        other things you enjoy.                                                 Any questions call Phil Lander (916) 872-8060
        We are all hoping for a safe and peaceful 2024!
                                      Mah Jongg
                                                                                The Shutterbugs’ next official meeting will be January 4th IN PERSON
        P.M. AT THE CLUB.                                                       photos and your best shots from 2023. Yes, it will be 2024.  Where did
        Mah Jongg is a game of skill and luck played with tiles and a card with   the time go.
        set hands with three to four people per table.  We play the American    Our discussion topic will be sharing how each of us organizes our image
        version on the current yearly card which is ordered from the National   files etc.  Terry Brady will lead this discussion. We will also have a
        Mah Jongg League.                                                       photo shoot field trip on January 19th.  We will start with lunch TBD
        Come and join us! It's a fun afternoon of playing with and meeting and   followed by a tour the Folsom Power House Museum and as time in
        making new friends. Experienced and beginning players are welcome.      interest allows a street photography walk through Old Town Folsom.
        We can help you learn.                                                  Also mark your calendars for our February field trip to the Sacramento
        Please contact Diana Bixby at or call 510 390-     Railroad Museum on February 16th.
        2543.                                                                   Club members are encouraged to become a member of our Facebook
                                                                                Group at: This is
                                     Orchid Group
                                                                                our preferred method to show your photos at our meetings. Give it a try.
         The Orchid Group next meeting will be January 12, 2024 at 1 pm in the  All members were sent step by step instructions for sharing your photos
        Library.  We will be watching a video interview with master orchid      via our Facebook Group. If needed you can still send your pictures to
        grower, John Clemments.  John will take us on a tour of the San Diego   Terry as attachments in an email or a Zip file for sharing. For questions,
        Botanical Gardens “The World of Orchids” exhibit as he talks about the  please contact Terry Brady, Lou Frank
        characteristics of orchids, basic care, botanical properties. and even or any of your steering committee member.
        demonstrates how to extract pollen for breeding. Join us to see beautiful  Should you have any questions feel free to contact any of the steering
        pictures of the many species of orchids from around the world.  The     committee members.
        video presentation will be a good introduction for those of you who may
        be considering becoming an active member of the Orchid Group and an                                 Spite & Malice
        opportunity for our Orchid Group regulars to “ooooh and aww” over the  We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library.  If you have questions
        beautiful orchids we love.  See the Courier for  more details about what   about our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773-
        happens at our meetings.                                                6266.
                                       Pinochle                                                            Water Volleyball

        COME PLAY PINOCHLE EVERY SATURDAY @ 10AM TO NOON  The Water Volleyball club members are looking forward to the pool
        AT THE CLUB                                                             reopening in April. We play Tuesdays and Thursdays @11:30am in the
        Every Saturday 10 to 15 players are at the Club to play lively games of   ‘West end’ of the pool. All residents are welcome, and no experience or
        PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle         special skill is needed. If you’d like to learn more about our club and
        10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group   water volleyball, feel free to email Dan Ketchum at
        will help you come back up to speed.  Win or lose we are here to have a
        good time. If you are interested in playing Pinochle drop in or call Alan                            Wii Bowling
        Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-
        8984.                                                                   The Wii Bowling Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday evening of each
                                                                                month from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm.  We have a lively, fun competition to
                           Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group
                                                                                see which randomly chosen team can score the highest average after
        The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have   playing a set of 3 games to win the night's prize.  We always look
        fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All  forward to welcoming new members into our group who we hope will
        levels of players are welcome.                                          enjoy playing the game and socializing with their friends and
        Days and Times:                                                         neighbors.  If any residents have an interest in joining our group, please
        Friday 1:30-3:30pm                                                      email your hosts, Barry and Diana Gray, at:
        Saturday 2-4pm                                                          Our next game night is Tuesday, January 9th.  Dues of $5 per person, per
        Sunday 2-4pm                                                            game night are collected the night of the event and prizes of $25 gift
        Tuesday 1:30-3:30pm (if Wellness room is available)                     cards to various local restaurants are awarded to each member of the
        Just drop in, or email Francis Chang at to be added to  highest scoring team.  Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for
        our email list.                                                         January, starting on Tuesday, December 26th at approximately 6:00
                                                                                pm.  Reservations are required in order to play. Won’t you join us?

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