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Christina Gee This is a friendly reminder for those who have not yet submitted their 2025 HOPA form to please do
so as soon as possible. This form is not for
Painting Reminder Letters on Their Way Management or the Board—it is a requirement for
all Active Adult Communities.
With the holidays behind us and a new year ahead, it's the perfect time Federal regulations mandate that Active Adult Communities must
to start planning for spring and summer projects. One of the key provide proof that at least 80% of residents are 55 years of age or older.
requirements for all homeowners at The Club is repainting your home. Failure to meet this requirement puts The Club at WestPark at risk of
losing its Active Adult status. Without this designation, the community
Many owners will soon receive a Paint Reminder letter. If you do, would no longer be age-restricted, allowing residents of all ages to
please don’t be upset. This process involves combining historical data move in.
with current records, and discrepancies may occur. If you’re unsure
whether your home needs repainting, don’t hesitate to ask. This This change would fundamentally alter the environment we’ve all
requirement has been in place for over five years, and our goal is to worked hard to maintain. The amenities, like the clubhouse, pool, and
address any outstanding matters. bocce ball courts—designed for your enjoyment—could become
shared spaces with residents of all ages, potentially diminishing the
To address questions or concerns about the painting project, we kindly tranquility and purpose of our community.
ask that you email either me ( or
Laura ( instead of calling or visiting Currently, we are below the required 80% mark. If you haven’t
the office. This will help us avoid overwhelming the front desk and submitted your HOPA form, we urge you to do so immediately. Forms
phone lines. We’ll respond to your email promptly and arrange a time are available at the Retreat or can be emailed upon request.
to meet with you if necessary.
Let’s work together to ensure our community remains a peaceful and
Thank you all in advance for your understanding and cooperation! enjoyable space for those who have retired or are approaching
retirement. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.
Shannon Van Every Red Hawk Shuttle Mon., Feb. 10th 10:00am or 916-771-7801 Dementia Support for the Caregiver Mon., Feb. 10th 10:00am
Massage Mon, Feb. 10th 12:00pm
Speaker Series Wed., Feb. 12th 6:30pm
Valentine Grams!
Available for purchase at The Bingo Tues., Feb. 18th 6:30pm
Retreat for $3.00 each (cash It’s 5 O'clock Somewhere - Incorrigible Fri., Feb. 21st 5:00pm
only). Your choice to send a Dementia Support for the Caregiver Mon., Feb. 24th 10:00am
single pink flower or a bag of Massage Mon, Feb. 24th 12:00pm
candy. $5.00 (cash only) to ARC Meeting Tues., Feb. 25th 8:30am
send both. They will be
delivered to the recipient on Community Potluck Tues., Feb. 25th 5:30pm
Valentine’s Day. Deadline to Board of Directors Meeting Wed., Feb. 26th 3:00pm
order is Wed., February 12th. Travel Presentation - Collette Tours Thur., Feb. 27th 2:00pm
Crab Feed Fri., March 7th 6:00pm
Announcing the 2025 Crab
Feed. This year we will do 1 Fred Moyer Sun., March 9th 6:30pm
night on Friday, March 7th. Trivia Tues., Mar.18th 6:30pm
Guests - 2 guests per It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere - Val Starr Fri., Mar. 21st 5:00pm
household at initial signups. Lunch Around Town - Leatherby’s Thur., Mar. 27th 11:45am
If space is available on 2/14 Blood Drive Fri., Mar. 28th 9:30am
then you may register
additional guests. AARP Driver Safety Class Wed., April 2nd 9:00am
Bill Knotts Sun., April 6th 6:30pm
Easter Egg Hunt ~ Save the date Sat., April 19th 9:30am
February 2025 Page 3