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                                                                                    UPCOMING EVENTS                   DATE                TIME
                       Shannon Van Every                                            Painting Class - weekly           Thur., Oct. 6th      1:30pm
              or 916-771-7801           Craft Fair Registration           Tues., Oct. 4th      8:00am

                                                                                    OPEN HOUSE                        Fri., Oct. 7th       4:00pm
           OPEN HOUSE - mark your calendar to be at The Retreat on Friday,          Bingo                             Sun., Oct. 9th       6:30pm
           October 7th at 4pm.  Bring your family and friends!  There will be       Shred Day                         Tue., Oct. 11th     10:00am
           games, food and live music. Free admission, but tickets need to be
           purchased to eat and play.                                               Lunch Around Town - BJ/s          Fri., Oct. 14th     11:45am
           This event is absolutely one of my favorites.  It is a very social and   Budget Meeting/Presentation       Tue., Oct. 18th      3:00pm
           high energy party. Helping Hands will be selling Chili and Hot           Knife Sharpening                  Thur., Oct. 20th     9:00am
           Dogs.  Take advantage of the chance to speak with group leaders          ARC Meeting                       Tue., Oct. 25th      8:30am
           as the majority of your 30 groups will be in attendance.  It’s nice      CHP Museum Tour                   Tue., Oct. 25th     11:00am
           to break the ice and even schedule a time to learn a new game like       Potluck                           Tue., Oct. 25th      5:30am
           Mexican Train, Mah Jongg or Water Volleyball. Meet the folks that
           patriciate in the Drama Group and find out how you might fit in or learn   Pumpkin Carving Contest         Thur., Oct. 27th     2:00pm
           about taking care of Orhids. Don’t miss this... we will see you at The   Halloween Party                   Thur., Oct. 27th     7:00pm
           Retreat on October 7th!                                                  Pet Costume Contest               Fri., Oct. 28th     11:00am
                                                                                    Board Meeting                     Fri., Oct. 28th      3:00pm
           Craft Fair - the Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, December 3rd.      Food & Wine Fair                  Thur., Nov., 3rd     2:00pm
           Resident registration will take place on Tuesday, October 4th and
           Non-Resident registration will take place on Tuesday, November 1st.      No Knead Class                    Sun., Nov., 6th      1:00pm
           Table pricing is on page 6.                                              Vial of Life Presentation         Thur., Nov., 10th    3:00pm
                                                                                    Trivia                            Tues., Nov., 15th    6:30pm
                                                                                    It’s 5 O'clock Somewhere          Fri., Nov., 18th     5:00pm

                                              Neighbor to Neighbor

          Costco offerss Flu and COVID Vaccinations                             Now - December 15th
          IF you are a member of Costco, you might consider making an           Non-Commissioned Offers Association (NCOA) will send them to
          appointment to get the latest COVID and Flu vaccinations. You can who will recycle, repurpose and donate them. NCOA
          make a reservation using the website and choosing          is raising funds to combat Veteran Suicide and several other
          PHARMACY and then your Costco store of choice.                        benevolent programs.

          Looking for some exercise outside?                                    Food Drive
          This is a reminder that softball practices will be held this coming   Residents John Eleazarraraz and Brian Parry volunteer with the Social
          Monday and Wednesday at 9:00.  Practices will be at Mahan Park        Concerns ministry at St. Clare Church in Roseville. We have been
          located at 1095 Amington Drive.                                       helping the homeless in Placer and Sacramento counties for over seven
          You do not need to be a club member to participate in these           years. They share donations with some 20 other groups
          practices.  Any Sun City resident age 55 or older in 2023 or          Collecting donations 10/1-10/31 of:  Cans of Chili, Cans of Fruit
          nonresident age 60 or older is welcome.                               Cocktail, Cup of Noodles (most popular), Beans, Small jars of Peanut
                                                                                Butter, Apple Sauce, Tuna, Chicken and Toilet Paper
          90 Day Sneaker Drive                                                  The donated items are placed in plastic bags and
          Help Keep Sneakers out of landfills                                   distributed to the homeless.
          Got old sneakers?  Really shabby, very bright, or downright ugly?      Please keep in mind they live in tents, makeshift shelters and back
          (Pairs only)                                                          seats of broken down cars. Too many have dental problems and
          Drop them off with Club Residents Rob & Angela Born at                can't chew hard foods. We are thanking you in advance for
          2273 Ashton Drive                                                     your kindness and generosity.

                        “Neighbor to Neighbor” items are helpful hints submitted by our residents who have concerns
                                                           or would like to share information.
                                Have something to share? Send an email to

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