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Association Events

         whimsical appetizers like our Avocado Egg Rolls.                        Pumpkins will be voted on throughout the day and at the Halloween
         Lunch Around Town is open for all residents to attend.  Lunch Around    Party that night.
         Town is an opportunity to enjoy dining at different restaurants with your  Stop by and vote for your favorite pumpkin!
         neighbors. The restaurants we visit allow us to order off of their regular   Winners will be contacted on Friday, October 28th
         lunch menu and graciously provide separate checks to all parties in the   Pumpkins may be picked up after 10am on Friday, October 28th
         group.  MUST RSVP in advance at The Retreat                             1st Place:    $20 Gift Card
                                                                                 2nd Place:  $15 Gift Card
         Massage at The Retreat - NEW DATES & PRICES                             3rd Place:   $10 gift Card
         2nd Fridays 9am - 12pm - Friday, October 14th                           All carvers will receive a $10.00 HOA Gift Certificate
         4th Mondays 12 - 3pm - Monday, October 24th
         Massage therapist Tiffany Mark                                          Halloween Party!
         State Board Certified and License with California Massage Therapy Council #2572  Thursday, October 27th
         Chair 30 minutes $30 / Chair 15 minutes $15
         Table 30 minutes $50 / Table 60 minutes $100                            7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
         Pay therapist directly at time of massage. **Cash & Checks only**       DJ Dancing
         Schedule your time by calling or visiting the Retreat!                  Dessert
                                                                                 Costume Contest

         Knife Sharpening                                                        A fun night at The Retreat!
                                                                                 $15.00 / per person
         Thursday, October 20   th
         Drop off at The Retreat Parking Lot at 9:00 a.m.
         Pick up time will be provided during drop off.
         Leif with Super Sharp will be on-site to sharpen                                                  DOG Howl-loween
         your scissors and knives. Pay him directly and he                                                 Costume Contest
         accepts cash, checks and credit cards.                                                            Friday, October 28th at 11:00 a.m
         Drop off your items at the van located in the parking                                             Bring your pooch down to The Retreat and
         lot at 9:00am. You will be provided a pick-up time                                                show them off in costume.
         during drop-off.                                                                                  We will vote on best tail wag and favorite
         Price List:                                                                                       costume!
         Hand pruners $6.00, Paper scissors $6.00+, Knives $8.00, Fabric                                   Spectators wanted!! Come see the pooches in
         Scissors $15.00, Axes $12.00+, Salon Shears $30.00, Pinking Shears                                action and vote for your favorite!
         $15.00, Hedge Shears $12.00 and Lopers $12.00                                                     RSVP for your canine in advance.
         No need to RSVP

         CHP Museum Tour and Optional Lunch - OFF SITE
         Tuesday, October 25th at 11:00am                                        Food & Wine Fair
         3500 Reed Ave, West Sacramento 95605                                    Thursday, November 3rd
         We will meet at the tour location.  Transportation on your own.         2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                       Enjoy a docent led tour of the California Highway Patrol   An afternoon at The Retreat of eating and drinking from a
                       museum.  In addition to preserving and protecting the     wide variety of vendors.  Hosted in conjunction with the
                       history of the California Highway Patrol, the CHP         Wine Appreciation Group.
                       Museum strives to educate visitors about the rich past of
                       the CHP and how it evolved to meet the changing           Participating Vendors:
                       roadway systems in this country since the inception of the  Vendors will have items for sale as well as sampling.
                       motor vehicle. They also strive to honor those who have    Colwell Mandarin Ranch             Bounty Hunter Grind & Grill
         given their lives in service to the California Highway Patrol and the    High Hand Olive Oil                Element 79 Winery
         people of California.                                                    Raley’s O-N-E                      Elevate Winery
         NOTES: There will be a security guard at the gate and you will have      Authentic Street Tacos             Highway 12 Winery
         to provide ID and let he/she know you are there to tour the museum.      Tomatina                           Klinkerbrick Winery
         RSVP:  in advance at The Retreat an optional lunch in their              Kitchen 747                        Mount Saint Joseph Winery
         cafeteria is available for $7.00, paid at time of arrival to the museum.   Gourmet Garage                   Secret Ravine Winery
         The tour is complimentary.                                               Bennett’s                          Bailarin Cellars
                                                                                  Miss V’s Dessert Bars              The Trax Taproom
         Pumpkin Carving Contest
         Thursday, October 27th at 2pm
         Reserve your pumpkin by Friday, October 21st at The Retreat.            Live music too!
         Pumpkins will be available for pick up at noon on Monday, October 24th   $15.00 / per person, RSVP in advance at The Retreat
         at The Retreat.
         Drop off carved pumpkins by 1:00pm on Thursday, October 27th.
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