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The Club at WestPark
Welcome to Spring! Community Association
At the open Board meeting on March 29th the board approved the draft rule change for 3240 Kennerleigh Parkway,
landscaping improvement. The change would permit our members to use a vendor other Roseville, CA 95747
than the association’s contracted landscaper upon ARC approval. This is identical to our Phone: (916) 771-7801
drought tolerant rules. It has been sent out to the membership for the required 28-day Fax: (916) 771-7827
member comment period. It will come back to the board for approval on April 26, at the
next open session board meeting.
Speaking of landscaping, we have gone out to bid for landscaping companies. I would like to give a shout The Retreat Facility Hours
out to Director Tom Stevens for developing the scope of work. Management has sent the scope of work Monday - Friday
out to 7 companies. More to come on this when the bids are received. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday
At the April 18th executive session meeting the board gave management the approval to go out to bid for 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
alternative landscape vendors to bid on bark replacement. We know there is a need for bark replacement
in our community and really want to compare costs.
FirstService Residential
When creating articles for the courier and the digital monthly email blast, please make sure your articles Customer Care Center
are considerate and do not contain any personal or political agendas. We want the membership to have (800) 428-5588
the right to free speech while keeping the peace throughout the community. Resident Portal
I hope you have all seen the new cabinet that has taken the place of the deli case. We have received great
member feedback and are looking at staining it the same color as the existing cabinets.
Board of Directors
Remember, weekend Retreat hours are now 9:30am to 4:30pm and staffed accordingly. Access to the inte- Jill Egbert, President
rior Retreat side of the building is open only during staffed hours. Weekday Retreat hours remain the Scott Smith, Vice President
same: 8:00am – 9:00pm. The fitness center is open 24/7 and the pool and patio area opens at 6:00am and Dick Tipton, Treasurer
closes at 9:00pm seven days a week. All members must be out of the pool and patio areas between Tom Stevens, Secretary
9:00pm and 6:00am daily to avoid setting off the security alarm. The gates on either side of the building Mary Gale, Member at Large
are alarmed by motion detectors and will trigger if anyone is in the pool or patio during those hours.
Retreat Staff Job Responsibilities -To streamline your questions and concerns
Laura Young, General Manager: 2023 Board of Directors
Board of Director/Operational, Retreat Maintenance, Voting/Ballot Questions, Billing & Accounting Concerns, Monthly Meetings
Resident Portal Issues Meetings are open to all
members of the Association.
Christina Gee, Assist. AGM: Next Meeting
Landscaping concerns, ARC Submittals, Work Orders, Compliance (violations), Retreat Maintenance, Billing & Wednesday, May 31st at 3pm
Accounting Concerns, Resident Portal Issues, ClickPay Issues
Shannon Van Every, Lifestyle: Onsite Association Staff
Event planning, scheduling, questions, Monthly Courier Questions/Ads, SIG (coordination, planning, and imple- 916-771-7801
mentation), Fitness Class Questions/Scheduling/Orientations, Fitness and Event Refunds, Private and Resident
Facility Rentals, Resident Portal Sign-Up, WestPark Website Inquiries Laura Young, General Manager
Drew Glover, Maintenance:
General Plumbing & Electrical, Establish & Maintain Preventative Maintenance Schedule, Pool & Spa Chemi- Christina Gee, AGM
cals, Set-Up / Tear Down for SIGs & HOA, Vendor Management, Fire & Safety Maintenance, Fitness Equipment
Maintenance, General overall cleanliness of entire Retreat Property, Bocce Court - Rolling, The Retreat Security
Equipment (Sonitrol) Shannon Van Every, Lifestyle Director
Customer Service Representatives:
Fitness and Event Registration, Name Badges and Access cards, Event Set Up and Tear Down, General Inquiries Home Specific Emergencies
(800) 762-5858
A reminder about operation of the HOA
Compliance, financial reporting, and quarterly assessments are managed by FirstService Residential. FirstService staff are engaged by and Home Warranty Questions
work at the will of the Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for their management. Contact Laura Young, General Manager first, if
you have any questions or concerns you feel need to be addressed.
If you feel that the matter needs to be brought to the Board’s attention, please send an email to The email will
be received by the entire Board, Laura Young, General Manager and Sara Jue, Vice President of Active Adult Communities. All
correspondence is included in the monthly Board packet for review at the next Board meeting. A member in good standing can ask for a
private meeting with the Board to discuss personal matters.
May 2023 Page 2