Page 3 - 2023-05
P. 3


                        The month of May is upon us already. Where does the
                        time go?

                        The annual membership meeting and director election
                        is  just  around  the  corner,  coming  up  on  August  30 .
                        The call for candidates form was mailed to the mem-
           bership in early March. If you are interested in running for one of
           the three (3) upcoming open seats, please make sure to get your can-
           didate  form  back  to  management  either  by  US  Mail,  email  or  by
           dropping it off at the office. If, for some reason, you did not receive
           the form and are interested in running, please let management staff
           know and we will gladly print another copy for you.

           Spring is here…. If you haven’t already started, now is a great time
           to clear that clutter! Reorganize! Deep clean if you need to. Clean
           out the garage and get ready for summer! If you aren’t in the habit
           of  changing  batteries  during  the  time  change,  double  check  those
           smoke  alarm  batteries  and  make  sure  they’re  working.  Fireplace
           chutes, dryer vents, all the gross things we hate to do... there’s no
           time like the present.

           The  mosquito  bait  stations  have  been  set  up  for  the  summertime
           around The Retreat. This should alleviate some of the nuisances in
           the pool and patio areas this summer. We added two (2) more than
           last  year because  they  seem  to  be  out  in  force  this  year. We  also
           have a resident pigeon that has taken to nesting just outside the card
           room window in the eave. They are protected while nesting but we
           will be taking measures to deter them next year.

           The summer music concert series is back again for 2023 and Shan-
           non  has  booked  some
           incredible  talent  this
           year. I can’t wait for the
           (hopefully)    awesome
           weather  so  you  can  get
           out, enjoy the music and
           company  and  have  a
           great  summer  here  at
           The Retreat.

           I  wanted  to  take  a  mo-
           ment  to  thank  Director
           Stevens  for  helping  me
           put  together  the  new
           cabinet  for  the  kitchen
           and  to  Director  Smith
           for  patching  the  wall
           where the deli case was
           removed  and  electrical
           run  for  the  new  GFI
           switches and outlets.

           Fun fact: The  only 15  letter  word that  can  be spelled without
           repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.

                                                       May 2023                                                           Page 3
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