Page 4 - 2023-05
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Next ARC Meeting
Christina Gee Tuesday, May 23rd at 8:30am
“I love the sounds and the power of pounding water, Applications will need back-up paperwork, so please be sure to read
whether it is the waves or a waterfall” Mike May the guidelines and see what documentation may be needed along with
your application. If you are unsure, you are always more than wel-
Hopefully the sounds of pounding water from rain have subsided and come to contact me for assistance.
the momentum for home modifications and improvements can start
back up. Per the CC&R’s Article 9 ~ Construction, installation, modification,
or alteration of buildings, outdoor structure, fences, awnings, outdoor
If you are planning on making any modifications to the outside of lighting, and all other exterior Improvements are subject to approval
your home, it is imperative that you submit an ARC Application. If of Architectural Review Committee.
you are unsure what requires an application, please review the ARC
Guidelines for further information. You can find the ARC Guidelines Once the project is completed, please submit the Notice of Comple-
on the Club at WestPark website ( tion along with color photos of the completed project. If you cannot
by clicking on the following tabs: provide the photos, please contact Management for assistance.
Docs & Forms Per the CC&Rs Article 9.16.1 ~ Upon the completion of any installa-
Governing Documents tion, construction, reconstruction, alteration, or refinishing of the exte-
ARC Rules rior of any Improvements, or upon the completion of any other work
ARC Guidelines 2_21_23 for which approved plans are required under this article, the Owner
shall give written notice thereof to the Architectural Review Commit-
If you need help with a username and/or password for the website tee.
please call our office at 916-771-7801.
Shannon Van Every Watercolor Painting Class Mondays 3:30pm or 916-771-7801
Beginning Drawing Class Wednesdays 3:00pm
Cinco de Mayo Lunch Party Fri., May 5th 11:45am
The annual Garage Sale is scheduled for Saturday, June 3rd from 7am - Colwell Ranch Tasting & Presentation Mon, May 8th 11:00am
11am. This is the only time you are permitted to have a Garage Sale. Massage Fri., May 12th 9:00am
Take advantage and clear out the clutter… your trash is another persons
treasure. The Club will advertise the sale but the more marketing the Trivia Tues., May 16th 6:00pm
better so please help post the community sale on Nextdoor and FB Summer Music - Jax Hammer Fri., May 19th 7:00pm
Marketplace. Happy shopping! Massage Mon., May 22nd 12:00pm
Attention Resident Artists! On Sunday, June 11th is the Resident Art & New Homeowner Orientation Mon, May 22nd 4:00pm
Wine event featuring you. Your neighbors enjoy admiring your work. ARC Committee Meeting Tue., May 23rd 8:30am
We ask all art to be brought to The Retreat and set up by 1pm for the 3pm Community Potluck Tue., May 23rd 5:30pm
arrival of your friends and neighbors to view.
Lunch Around Town - Date Change Fri., May 26th 11:45am
Debbie Ferris took beautiful photos at the Brain Games Tue., May 30th 6:30pm
Easter Egg Hunt and really captured the energy Board of Directors Meeting Wed., May 31st 3:00pm
and excitement of the day. Pages 16 and 17 Garage Sale Sat., June 3rd 7:00am
will surely make you smile.
Resident Art & Wine Event Sun., June 11th 3:00pm
Lunch Around Town - Tomatina’s Thur., June 15th 11:45am
SAVE THE DATE Vaccine Clinic Summer Music - DJ Fri., June 23rd 7:00pm
Thursday, September 14th - Safeway
Pharmacy staff will be here to give Flu, Bingo Thur., June 29th 6:30pm
COVID, Pneumonia, Shingles, and Tdap shots. July 3rd Party Mon, July 3rd 5:30pm
Vaccine Clinic Thur., Sept. 14th
May 2023 Page 4