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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                              Democratic Forum, continued                                             Helping Hands 2.0, continued

         same for Scott. Thanks to all who attended and offered support to the   All proceeds from these events go to local charities.  Although we were
         candidates.                                                             unable to have our Fashion Show and Luncheon this year, we will still
         At the SIG open house our table was a busy place with people from the   have a nice amount to contribute to those in need.  All thanks to our
         Community joining us for fun and games, along with meeting up with      friends and neighbors who attend and participate in these events.
         Scott Alvord. Helen Warren was the lucky winner of our basket raffle.   Our last Coffee and Chat of this year was held on Oct 30.  We decorated
         Hope she and Chuck enjoyed the wine and cheese!                         our tables with the donated food donations for the homeless in Roseville
         SAVE THE DATES:                                                         and the surrounding areas.  We collected so much food and we are
         Join us in lively pre-election discussion November 2nd, 1pm at The      incredibly grateful to our residents that helped in this very necessary
         Retreat - Bring your own brown bag (or take out) lunch.                 project. And thanks to Caroline Crawford and her Coffee and Chat staff
         Winter Holiday Party December 7th Noon-Catered Lunch by Jeneca.-        for hosting these monthly events.  We will be looking for some new
         Only $17 per person. Contact:             volunteers to help when we start the 2023 Coffee and Chats on Friday,
                                                                                 January 27.  If you are interested and want more information, please
                                  Digital World Club
                                                                                 email Caroline at
                                         Our November 9th meeting will be on     Our next project is the donation of 2 children’s bikes and helmets to Toy
                                         Zoom in the Library and feature Google  for Tots.  The Bike Club gleefully built them. There will be some very
                                         Apps for Genealogists.  The presenter   happy kids!  You can also donate to this Charity by filling the box in the
                                         will be Bob Ringo from the Lincoln      lobby with new toys.
                                         Hills Computer Club.  The Zoom link     Plans for our Bake Sale and Hot Dog Lunch at the Craft Fair on
                                         will be sent out to the members prior to  December 3 is underway.  Watch your email in early November for our
                                         the meeting.  The meeting begins at     invitation for you to sign up to show off your baking skills and/or
                                         10am (if you have a question, come      volunteer to help.  You need not be a member of Helping Hands to
         early at 9:30am).  Join us either on Zoom or in the Library at The      participate.
         Retreat.                                                                We have been sending out lots of cards lately, mostly due to Covid
         Google has been an integral part of each of our lives for many          infections. As many of you know, when notified, Helping Hands sends
         years.  Starting life as a search engine, Google quickly dominated all of   cards to those residents of The Club who are ill, had surgery, been
         its rivals.  Now Google has added so many extra services and            hospitalized, or experienced a death in the family.  These cards are
         conveniences that it has become synonymous with convenience and         lovingly hand made by several of our residents.  PLEASE EMAIL
         quality.  From Google Search to Gmail to Google Calendar to Google  so we can send a card which will be so
         Maps, there is a Google tool for every genealogist.                     appreciated by the recipient
         The purpose of this presentation is to give a genealogist a familiarity   Just a note to wish Judy Cuchna, a longtime member of the Helping
         with everything Google related.  Most of the fantastic services offered by  Hands Steering Committee, much happiness in her new home in Texas
         Google are completely free.  Every single service is so full of features   with her family.  Judy worked so hard for us and helped make our SIG so
         that you can fill a book on each one of them.  So give yourself a treat,   successful. We appreciate all you did, and we will miss you.
         find the spare time to attend this presentation to explore some things new  Happy Thanksgiving!
         from Google.
         Please join us and learn about all the Google can offer the genealogist.                             Line Dancing
                                                                                 "When you dance there are no cares.  Problems disappear and
                                     Hand and Foot                               happiness is overwhelming"
                                                                                 Line Dancing meets every Friday at 12:00 noon in the
         Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm   Wellness Room.  Stop by and check us out.  It is a great
         until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who   workout for mind and body.  No special equipment needed, but smooth
         plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards  soled, comfortable shoes work best.
         so that play can begin by 2 p.m.)  If you want to learn to play, contact   Email with any questions.
         Donna Sager by email, phone or text, and I will get back to you. Come
         join us and have some fun. Questions contact: Gloria Cordle-Borley 209-                               Mah Jongg
         402-1933 or                                         MAH JONGG IS PLAYED ON TUESDAY AFTERNOONS FROM 1-4
                                                                                 P.M. AT THE CLUB.
                                  Helping Hands 2.0                              Mah Jongg is a game of skill and luck played with tiles and a card with
                                                                                 set hands with three to four people per table.  We play the American
         It’s always so exciting to get ready for the Holiday Season.  A time to   version on the current 2022 card which is ordered from the National Mah
         celebrate with good friends and family.  Helping Hands will again be    Jongg League.
         donating all money from our fundraising events that we were able to hold  Come and join us! It's a fun afternoon of playing with and meeting  and
         this year.  This includes the Chili and Hot Dog Booth and Raffle at the   making new friends. Experienced and beginning players are welcome.
         Club Open House and the upcoming Bake Sale and Hot Dog Lunch at         We can help you learn.
         the Craft Fair on December 3rd.  In addition, there will be the handmade  Please contact Diana Bixby at or call 510 390-
         Upcycled Card sale by Maria Winkler and Sam McGuff at the Craft Fair.   2543.
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