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Association Events

                           Let’s Play Trivia                                     Craft Fair
                           Tuesday, November 15th at 6:30 p.m.                   Saturday, December 3rd
                           Players will be assigned to groups of 6. You may      10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
                           register with a group of friends or sign up as a single   Bring your friends and family
         and we will put you with a group.  Various categories will be covered,   down to the Annual Craft Fair! A
         points given for correct answers and the group with the most points will  wide variety of items will be available for sale.  Come in and find the
         be the winners.                                                         perfect gift for the holiday season or a treasure to keep of your own.
         *MUST RSVP in advance at The Retreat*                                   Helping Hands will be selling hot dogs and goodies to fuel your
         **Bring to the event $2.00 CASH per player for prizes**                 shopping spree.
                                                                                 FREE to attend

                                                                                 Jazz and Dessert with Reggie Graham
         It’s 5 O'clock Somewhere ~                                              Sunday, December 11th
         Albertson Duo                                                           6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
         Friday, November 18th                                                   Enjoy a relaxing night of music at The
         5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.                                                   Retreat as we welcome Reggie Graham
         Dinner Menu: Baked Chicken, sides                                       and his jazz ensemble. A native of
         and salad                                                               Sacramento, California, Reggie
         The Albertson Duo is an acoustic group                                  Graham’s passion is creating music by
         providing unique covers of popular                                      playing the piano. He is a highly
         artists. By combining Megan                                             motivated, world-traveled musician who
         Albertson's lush vocals and David                                       loves both playing the keys, but also
         Albertson's multi-instrumental prowess;                                 sharing his talent through teaching. His
         the duo can cover a variety of genres as                                band, The Reggie Graham Trio has been
         an intimate duo or create full band arrangements using looping          featured at The Harris Center, as well as
                                                    technology. This educated,   The Midtown Vanguard Jazz Series at CLARA.
                                                    world traveling, married     Feel free to bring a beverage of your choice to enjoy. Wine glasses will
                                                    couple  loves to entertain   be provided.
                                                    and will make your event a   $13.00 / per person pay in advance at The Retreat
                                                    special moment to
                                                    Dinner and Music $15.00
                                                    Music Only $8.00             BINGO
                                                    RSVP in advance              Monday, December 5th
                                                    Thank you to our Event       6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
                                                    Sponsor: Anne Wiens          Join us for a night of Bingo.  We will play at The Retreat and also on
                                                                                 Zoom! We have a good time.  We play 12 games with a break after 6.
                                                                                 FREE - RSVP at The Retreat.
         Holiday Party -                                                         Many thanks to our event  sponsor:  Mimi Kim, Realtor and Notary
         A Blue Blue Christmas
         Friday, December 2nd
         5:45 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
         DJ Dancing and Dinner                  Blue
         Meal catered by Jeneca                 Blue
         Menu:                                  Christmas
         -Grilled Chicken Breast with
         Mushroom Caper Wine Sauce
         -Tuscan Tortellini- Creamy Pesto, Tomatoes, Parmesan, Toasted
         - Roasted Winter Squash, Spiced Butter
         - Fresh Vegetables with Balsamic Reduction
         - French Salad- Spring Mix, Green Beans, Blistered Cherry Tomatoes,
         Farmer’s Cheese, Toasted Almonds, French Dressing
         - Fresh Rolls with Butter
         Reserved seating will be in effect for this event.   You may reserve a
         table and we ask that everyone in the group pays within a week of
         blocking seats.  Coffee, Iced Tea and Water available.  BYOB.
         $28.00 / per person
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