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GENERAL MANAGER                                                                    ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER

                       Laura Young                                                                       Christina Gee

                      Hello and Happy           approved prior to my onboarding is
                      November!                 tentatively scheduled for November                       Vice President Scott Smith was appointed the
                                                                                                         Board Liaison to The Club at WestPark Com-
                      My name is Laura and      4 . We will send out email updates       munity Association Architectural Rules (AR).  Outline of duties:
          while I’m new to your community as  and post notices at the bulletin board       The Board Liaison will help management, landscape contrac-
          the incoming General Manager, I’ve    as all project dates are finalized. We     tor, and homeowners better understand the Board’s policies and
          been in the industry as a community   have ordered three new heaters for         decisions.  This will also help the Board understand manage-
          portfolio manager for just shy of 15   the outside patio area which are on       ment’s, landscape contractor’s, and homeowners’ needs, con-
          years. I’m excited for this new       wheels so they may be moved                cerns and recommendations.
          venture with The Club at Westpark.    throughout the patio area anywhere         The Board Liaison is invited to attend monthly meetings with
          I’ve spent my first three weeks       they may be needed. We have ordered        management and landscape contractor.  If the Liaison is not
          getting to know so many of you and    a water bottle filling dispenser for the   available to attend the meeting, management will provide meet-
          it’s been a lot of fun meeting        drinking fountains near the pool area      ing information to the Liaison.
          everyone. For those I haven’t met yet,  and restrooms. That likely has already     The Board Liaison will not make any decisions on behalf of the
          I’m excited to meet you during either  been installed prior to press dates.      Board or provide direction to the landscape contractor without
          an upcoming event or just in passing  The Board and I are also working           conferring with management or the Board of Directors.
          through The Retreat. To give you a    closely with the landscape crew to         From time-to-time management may request the Board Liaison
          quick update on what I’ve been        continue making improvements               to meet with management representatives and homeowners re-
          working on with the Board since I’ve  throughout the community as well as        garding specific landscaping issues or concerns.
          arrived: the LED light conversion     the patio area of the clubhouse. Be        The Board Liaison will update the Board on recent landscape
          project the Board has been working    prepared to see some fresh, clean and      activity issues and concerns at the Open Board Meeting ses-
          so diligently on has been approved    updated landscape looks in the patio       sion.
          and the bocce ball court resurfacing   area in the coming months. Cheers to      The Board Liaison may also help with information on painting,
          contract is moving forward. Both      a wonderful November full of love,         reasonable accommodation for handrails on driveways, or any
          projects should begin soon. Striping   laughter and many thanks!                 other Architectural Rules (AR) to help the homeowners of this
          of the parking lot which was                                                     community.

                        FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR                                 UPCOMING EVENTS                  DATE                TIME

                       Shannon Van Every                                              Craft Fair Registration - Non Residents Tue., Nov. 1st  8:30am
              or 916-771-7801             Painting Class                  Nov. - TBD            1:30pm
                                                                                      Food & Wine Fair                Thur., Nov., 3rd      2:00pm
           The Retreat Open House on October 7th was definitely the party of the      Massage                         Fri., Nov. 4th         9:00am
           year. Hundreds of people came through the doors on a beautiful fall day.    No Knead Class                 Sun., Nov., 6th       1:00pm
           There were 22 tables to visit throughout the clubhouse and live music on the   Polling Place - Retreat Library  Tue., Nov. 8th  (check your
           patio.  Residents and guests were socializing, playing games, eating, and                                                   voting mailer)
           enjoying the festivities. Enjoy the pictures on pages 18 and 19.           Vial of Life Presentation       Thur., Nov., 10th     3:00pm
                                                                                      Trivia                          Tues., Nov., 15th     6:30pm
           Join us for the Food & Wine Fair on Thursday, November 3rd from 2-4        Board Meeting                   Wed., Nov. 16th       3:00pm
           p.m.  Helen Warren with the Wine Appreciation Group has secured a          Potluck                         Thur., Nov. 17th      5:30pm
           variety of vendors for this event, see a full list of participating companies on
           page 3..  Tickets are $15 in advance at The Retreat.                       It’s 5 O'clock Somewhere        Fri., Nov., 18th      5:00pm
                                                                                      ARC Meeting                     Tue., Nov. 22nd        8:30am
           Toys for Tots - the collection barrel will be at The Retreat from November   Massage                       Mon., Nov. 28th      12:00pm
           1st - December 18th accepting donations of new unwrapped toys ($10 - $25   Holiday Party                   Fri., Dec. 2nd        6:00pm
                                                                                      Craft Fair                      Sat., Dec. 3rd        10:00am

           Community Emails  - If you find yourself not receiving                     Bingo                           Mon., Dec. 5th        6:30pm
           emails from The Club or a group please check your spam/junk                Jazz & Dessert Night            Sun., Dec. 11th       6:00pm
           folders.  Emails that come from the HOA are being sent to over             Victorian Christmas Bus Trip    Wed., Dec. 14th       3:45pm
           1,100 email addresses and email settings for the various                   Marching Band                   Sat., Dec. 17th       7:00pm
           providers see it as spam/junk and are trying to protect you.               Paint & Sip                     Tues., Dec. 20th      6:00pm

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