Page 31 - 2022-05 Courier
P. 31

My wife Gail and I moved into The Club at WestPark by Del
                                    Webb in September 2021. The story behind this move is sur-
                                    prising to believe for most people because of the way it tran-
                                    spired.  In the first quarter of 2021, Gail got a call from our
                                    son Greg and his new bride Melissa with an offer to “house
                                    sit” for one of their relatives in Napa, CA.  After experiencing
                                    the  lost  year  of  2020  and  not  having  personal  contact  with
                                    family for over a year it didn’t take much time for both of us
                                    to  say  “sure  that  sounds  like  fun”.  Once  that  decision  was
                                    made, Gail suggested that once going to California we may                     The Greenbrier
          never want to return to the Township of Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey. We both realized
          the place we need to live was closer to our only son and daughter-in-law and her family
          in California.

          Within three months of that decision our New Jersey home was sold, we took our dog
          Hunter and drove across the U.S. in our new Chrysler Pacifica (great for holding stuff
          for the entire summer) to start our new adventure in Napa, CA.  Our household goods
          were put into storage and for the first time in our lives we were “homeless” with no spe-
          cific location to go to except a home for the summer in Napa. Once landing in Napa, we
          enjoyed family gatherings once again, which made up for the COVID restrictions, and
          experienced many dining and wine tasting venues offered in Napa and Sonoma counties.

          The timing of this move was also perfect in another regard. Gail and I were surprised by
          Greg and Melissa to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary at a spectacular venue, the
          Domaine Carneros Château. Our host at this event shared the history, legends, technique
          and demonstration of the flamboyant practice "The Art of Sabrage” that dates back to
          the age of Napoleon.  That  was  such a wonderful  and special celebration with  family            The Greenbrier Car Show
          which couldn’t have been more perfect. It was clear that our decision to return to California was the absolute right thing to do.

          My retirement started in 2014 after forty+ years of site/group management leadership and finance experience in engineering development, manu-
          facturing, and services environment, primarily in the aerospace/defense sector. My skills included providing sound counsel regarding organiza-
          tional performance excellence, process and systems improvement, strategic organizational needs including conveying company vision.

          My formal education included BS and MBA degrees from Seton Hall University in New Jersey.  I started my career in public accounting with
          KPMG (formally Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.) and transitioned to corporate internal audit at Allied Chemical Corporation, Morristown, NJ.
          where I met my future wife, Gail.  Other companies I worked with included: Lear Siegler, Inc., Smiths Aerospace, Inc., and DRS Technologies.

                                       The Biltmore Estate                                            The Biltmore Estate Staircase

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