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                                                                                                                      The Club at WestPark
                                                                                                                     Community Association
                                    I’ve been asked about parking on the streets here at The Club at Westpark.
                                   Our HOA has rules about parking in both our Covenants, Conditions and              3240 Kennerleigh Parkway,
                                   Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Policies, Rules and Guidelines (PRGs).  These                Roseville, CA 95747
                                   documents cover the restrictions for passenger cars, trucks, trailers, recrea-
                                                                                                                        Phone: (916) 771-7801
                                   tional vehicles, campers and boats.  For further guidance, you may refer-             Fax: (916) 771-7827
                                   ence CC&Rs Section 4.15 (page 12) and PRGs Section 6.11 (page 40).     
               Scott Smith           In general, overnight parking on the streets is not allowed.  However, here

                President          are a few exceptions:                                                             The Retreat Facility Hours
                                                                                                                          Monday - Saturday
                                                                                                                         8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
                                     You can receive a free street parking pass from the staff at The Retreat                  Sunday
                                      which allows parking for up to 72 hours.                                           8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

                                        A maximum of three (3) parking passes may be issued each month                FirstService Residential
                                      per household.                                                                    Customer Care Center
                                        A period of at least twenty-four (24) hours is required between each               (800) 428-5588
                                      parking pass issued.                                                                  Resident Portal

                                     Recreational vehicles may park on the streets without a pass for up to              Board of Directors
                                      48 hours consecutively to clean, load or unload.  Under no                        Scott Smith, President
                                      circumstances is there any overnight occupancy in the RV within the              Jill Egbert, Vice President
                                      development.                                                                      Dick Tipton, Treasurer
                                                                                                                       Dan Ketchum, Secretary

                                   So, when family and friends are visiting overnight or a couple of days, you          Pat Patterson, Director
                                   can obtain a pass at The Retreat and they can park their car on the street in   Email:
                                   front of your house.  If they park in the driveway, no pass is needed.

                                   If you do have a recreational vehicle, please be courteous to your neigh-
                                   bors.  Don’t block driveways or leave trip hazards across the sidewalk.             2022 Board of Directors
                                                                                                                          Monthly Meetings
                                   Hopefully this answers your questions regarding parking.  If you have any        Meetings below are open to all
                                   other questions, please feel free to talk to our staff at The Retreat.  A          members of the Association.
                                   friendly reminder, please be courteous to staff regarding any issues you            4th Wednesday of each month
                                   may have.                                                                        Wed., March 23rd at 5:00 p.m.

                                   Thank you,                                                                          Onsite Association Staff
                                                                                                                    Spiro Stamos, General Manager

                                                                                                                        Christina Romero, AGM
                                                   Welcome to the Neighborhood                            

                                                        Donald Chavez, Penstone Loop                              Shannon Van Every, Lifestyle Director
                                                  Randy & Mary Lou Shelton, Land End Loop                

                                                                                                                     Home Specific Emergencies
            A reminder about operation of the HOA
            Compliance, financial reporting, and quarterly assessments are managed by FirstService Residential. FirstService staff are engaged    (800) 762-5858
            by and work at the will of the Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for their management. Contact Spiro Stamos, General
            Manager first, if you have issues you feel need to be addressed.
            If you feel that the matter needs to be brought to the Board’s attention, please send an email to The email
            will be received by the Board President, Spiro Stamos, General Manager and Michael Marshall, Vice President of FirstService   Home Warranty Questions
            Residential.  All correspondence is included in the monthly Board packet for review at the next Board meeting. A member in good
            standing can ask for a private meeting with the Board to discuss personal matters.

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