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                          Christina Romero                                                                          CLICK PAY

                                                                                                            If you would like assistance enrolling
                          Hello Members~                                                                    for Click Pay please call The Retreat
                                                                                                            and schedule an appointment for one
            With the upcoming of spring, you will begin to see many changes around The Retreat and Com-     of the below dates/times.  Click Pay is
            munity. All the trees and flowers will begin to bloom, and the wonderful scents of the season will  a sure way your assessment will be on
            be all around us. However, with the sights and smells of the fresh blossoms, there is that never   time each and every quarter.  Bring a
            ending battle with the lawns. As of right now, everyone should have their front yard irrigation   check with you to the appointment for
            back on and running. Timers are currently set for every Monday and Friday. The times are during  the bank account you wish to use.
            the late evening/early morning hours and run two times for 5 minutes. An additional day will be
            added in the upcoming weeks.                                                                    Fri., March 4      Tues., Mar. 9
            During spring and summer, some of the grass is going to perish. It is not because it is not being   10:00 am       3:30 pm
            cared for but the lack of water along with the pounding sunshine, some areas are not going to   10:15 am           3:45 pm
            look their best, or maybe not good at all. Replacing or reseeding the area is always a request, but   10:30 am     4:00 pm
            keep in mind, without the proper water and with the sun bearing down, the new sod or seed will   10:45 am          4:15 pm
            not stand a chance of survival and be a huge waste of yours and the association’s money if all   11:00 am          4:30 pm
            lawns in this state were replaced/reseeded. Efforts will be made to save any sod that is struggling,
            but no guarantees can be made during the hardship of water restrictions.
            For those who are tired of dealing with the golden lawn scenario, the Board recently approved
            changes for AG/ST and bark placement in the front yard. You can view the new ARC Guideline
            rules regarding the changes on The Club’s website. It is an opportunity to make changes to your
            front yard and make $1.00 per square foot of sod removal from the city.

                        FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR                                 UPCOMING EVENTS                   DATE               TIME
                       Shannon Van Every                                             Sourdough Bread Making Presentation  Tues., March 1st   4:00pm
              or 916-771-7801
                                                                                     Watercolor Class                  Thurs., March 3rd   1:30pm
                                                                                     Cornhole Tournament               Tues., March 8th    6:30pm
           Potlucks -  the Potluck hosts will be kicking off Potluck’s again on
           Tuesday, March 22nd! All residents are welcome to attend.  Information on   AARP Driver Safety Course       March 14 &15        8:30am
           signing up will be sent out by a community wide email.  If you have lived   St. Patrick’s It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere  Thur., Mar. 17th   5:00pm
           here 1 month or 12 years sign up to attend a fun and social evening at The   Fred Moyer Piano Concert       Sun., Mar. 20th     6:30pm
                                                                                     Insomnia Solved                   Mon, March 21st     9:00am
           Fitness class coverage - there have been recent changes with fitness      Architectural Review Committee    Tues. March 22nd    8:30am
           classes being cancelled and finding substitute coverage.  We are working
           on a schedule and appreciate your patience.  Current schedule on page 26.   Community Potluck               Tues., March 22nd   5:00pm
                                                                                     Board Meeting                     Wed., March 30th    3:00pm

           New Homeowner Orientation - this month’s Orientation will be on           Trivia                            Thurs., March 24th   6:30pm
           Monday, March 28th at 5:00 p.m.  We will go over the role of the Board,   New Homeowner Orientation         Mon., March 28th    5:00pm
           some of the important rules of the community and other items of interest.
           RSVP in advance at The Retreat.                                           Bingo                             Sun., April 10th    6:30pm
                                                                                     Lunch Around Town - Gooseport     Fri., April 8th    11:45am

                                                                                     Shredding Day                     Tues., April 19th   10:00am
                            Helping Hands invites ALL Residents to
                                 Coffee & Chat at The Retreat                        It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere          Thurs., April 21st   5:00pm
                                  Fri., March 25th at 9:00 a.m.                      Art & Wine Exhibit                Sun., May 1st       3:00pm
                 It’s a great way to meet your neighbors, while enjoying some        Lunch Around Town - University of Beer  Fri., May 13th   11:45am
                                     delicious goodies.

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