Page 12 - 2023-04
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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Line Dancing Orchid Group, continued
On a rainy, windy Monday afternoon, eight of the ladies in our line dance Sacramento Orchid Show and showing pictures from the event. We will
group decided to carpool to the Blue Oaks Theater to see the movie "80 be raffling orchids so maybe you’ll be one of the lucky ones to go home
for Brady". We had a fun "getaway" afternoon and enjoyed the movie. with a new orchid. As usual, we will have an Orchid Show and Tell
Line Dancing meets every Friday at 12:00 noon in the Wellness Room so table so bring your blooming orchids so we can all admire your orchid.
get your dancing shoes on and join us. You are also encouraged to bring your struggling orchids for diagnosis
Email with any questions. and advice. You don’t want to miss this meeting.
Mah Jongg Pinochle
Mah Jongg is a game of skill and luck played with tiles and a card with Every Saturday 10 to 15 players are at the Club to play lively games of
set hands with three to four people per table. We play the American PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle
version on the current 2022 card which is ordered from the National Mah 10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group
Jongg League. will help you come back up to speed.
Come and join us! It's a fun afternoon of playing with and meeting and Win or lose we are here to have a good time. If you are interested in
making new friends. Experienced and beginning players are welcome. playing Pinochle drop in or call Alan Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan
We can help you learn. at or call (916)872-8984.
Please contact Diana Bixby at or call 510 390-
2543. Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group
Mexican Train (Dominos) The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have
fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All
Please join us for Mexican Train (dominos) on Friday nights at 6:00pm! levels of players are welcome.
We pull cards to see who we will be playing with at the tables. Please Days and Times:
arrive about 10 minutes early so we can start playing at 6pm. If you don’t Friday 2-4pm
know how to play, we’d be happy to teach you. Everyone is welcome to Saturday 2-4pm
play - singles and couples. Contact Laura Wilson at (925) 325-7953 if Sunday 2-4pm
you have any questions. Tuesday 2-4pm (if Wellness room is available).
Just drop in, or email Francis Chang at to be added to
Orchid Group
our email list.
Concerned Orchid Grower: I’ve been giving it lots of water but it’s still Poker Club
Orchid Club Orchid Expert: How much are you watering? Both men and women. We play different games, dealer choice, and we
Concerned Orchid Grower: I put a couple ice cubes on the soil everyday. start at 6pm to 9pm every Wednesday. We do not play "Wild" games.
And here we go - you do your best and your best isn’t good enough. Any questions call Phil Lander (916) 872-8060
We’ve been learning that you need to know what kind of orchid you have
to be successful in growing your orchids. At the March meeting we Shutterbugs
heard David Komar talk about and show the five basic types of orchids
and the care requirements for each. The Show and Tell table was The Shutterbugs’ next meeting will be IN PERSON AT OUR USUAL
beautiful ! It’s early spring and things are starting to bloom. Some TIME OF 2PM. on Thursday, April 6th. We will be sharing photos from
individuals walked away with a new orchid they won at the raffle. Now our March theme of “SPRING”. Our tech topic this meeting will be The
you need to know how to keep your orchids not only growing, but also Photographer’s Ephemeris for planning a photo shoot at a particular
thriving and healthy. location. TPE helps plan outdoor shots in natural light. This discussion
You heard ice cubes were the perfect way to water, so that’s what you do will be led by our very own Mark Moore.
but your orchid still goes south. What happened? Often times, it’s just Our Photo shooting theme for APRIL to be shared at our MAY meeting
bad advice like using ice cubes to water your orchids. Orchids grow in will be “SPRING HOLIDAYS”.
the tropics and enjoy gentle breezes and warm rains. Ice cubes, really? Every resident is welcome to join and share photos without having to be
Orchids don’t like to be cold anymore than you and I do. At the Orchid an official member.
Club meeting on May 12th at 1:00 pm at The Retreat, Nancy Donner For those who would like to learn how to get off auto mode and learn
will present “The Orchid Terrible Twos: Bad Health and Bugs”. She how to use their DSLR-type cameras, we recommend visiting
will be showing a video of the signs and symptoms of bad health and It’s free to join and get their emails.
pests in orchids and talk about the prevention, recognition and early They do have inexpensive subscription options that are not required.
intervention and treatment of each. Additionally we’ll be recapping the
April 2023 Page 12