Page 13 - 2023-04
P. 13
Shared Interest Group Announcements
Shutterbugs Wii Bowling, continued
FUTURE FIELD TRIP THOUGHTS. RSVP for each month's game night. Dues of $5 per person are collected
Please send us your suggestions on field trips you might like us to the night of the event and prizes are awarded to the highest scoring team.
consider. We hope to knock down some pins with our neighbors and friends on
Preparing your photos to be shared at our meetings: April 11th. Won't you join us?
A reminder for all that we have decided to standardize the way we
present photos at our meetings. Please send any photos you want to Terry Wine Appreciation (WAG)
and he will prepare them for showing at our meeting. You will do the
narration. Several members are not as comfortable sharing and therefore For the March Wine Appreciation Group event, hosted by Bob and Peni
this should make it easier Guyer, we went “outside the box” by doing a wine and chocolate
for everyone. pairing. Becki Tyner, owner of The Chocolate Architect, gave a great
PLEASE SEND TERRY presentation and paired her delicious chocolate silk with 4 wines. We
AN EMAIL WITH then moved on to beautiful, abundant Charcuterie trays prepared by
YOUR PHOTOS AS Nugget Market. There was plenty of socializing and great laughs during
“ATTACHMENTS”. the evening!
Please do not embed your In April, we will have a Spring Bling, hosted by Julie Good. Mount
photos in the body of the Saint Joseph Winery will be here, showcasing their wines from the Sierra
email. Mac users will Foothills. The food will be prepared by Gourmet Garage, who are
need to create a Zip file professionals at pairing the perfect small plate with the wine, to enhance
from their photos and all the flavors. Please look for Sign Up Genius to reserve your place.
email the Zip file to Please note we collect CASH only and cannot provide refunds once the
Terry. count has been given to the caterer. Payment must be made prior to the
Club members are event and NO money will be collected at the door.
encouraged to become a If you have any questions , please contact Bonnie Pavri at (707)228-6255
member of our Facebook or via email at
Group at: https:// “Wine and Friends are a great blend”. Cheers!
groups/436603713658143 Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
This is a great place to
easily share your photos. For questions, please contact Debbie Ferris The Ye Olde WestPark Players present our Spring Production, or Terry Brady, or any “TELLY-VISION III - THRICE AS NICE".
of your steering committee members. Please join our Players as they present classic tv skits from hit shows
such as Burns and Allen, I Love Lucy, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The
Spite & Malice
Golden Girls and numerous
We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library. If you have questions others. You'll see some of your
about our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773- favorite actors and a few new
6266. faces as well.
Water Volleyball is just around the corner. If 2022 is any predictor, mid- Performance Dates:
April should be in the mid-70's gradually climbing to the 80's. Now is a Friday, April 21, 7 pm
good time to look for your swimsuit, find the sunscreen, and perhaps Saturday, April 22, 7pm
pick up a pair of water shoes- they can help you keep your footing in the Sunday, April 23, 2pm
pool. We play on Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:45am-12:45pm. Watch for Ticket Price: $5.00
the announcement that the pool is opening! Watch your email for RSVP
FYI our SIG page is on The Club's website, under 'Groups', and 'Water information.
Volleyball'- see the great action shot from last year! Money will be collected at
The Retreat the following
Wii Bowling dates/times:
Friday, Mar. 31st 3 - 5 p.m.
Wii Bowling is scheduled to play on the 2nd Tuesday evening of each Monday, Apr. 3rd 10 - 12 p.m.
month. The next game night will be Tuesday, April 11th. Please watch Thurs., Apr. 13th 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
for your opportunity to RSVP for April 11th starting on Tuesday, March Please feel free to bring a
28th at approximately 6 pm. Reservations are required in order to play. beverage of your choice and a
Please note: If you would like to receive Wii Bowling group emails, dessert to share after the
please add Wii Bowling Group to your profile in the directory. New performance.
players please email Barry and Diana Gray at: to If you have any questions about
receive new player information that includes how to place your required our group please contact Director, Rita DeMatteis,
April 2023 Page 13