Page 18 - 2023-04
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Each month we will let you know what the committee has been doing and answer questions concerning our
governing documents.
One of the Committee’s charter tasks is to improve the searchability of our governing documents. We are
working to have all of our governing documents appear in Governing Documents in the Doc & Forms area of
The Club’s website. We are working to make sure that each of our governing documents is easily searchable.
In addition, our committee has been busy this past month working with the Community Connection Committee
to improve the searchability of our governing documents on the Club’s website: We have been developing search
indexes for all of our current governing documents: Bylaws, CC&Rs, PRGs, Revised Election Rules, ARC Guidelines, etc. The Community
Connections Committee will explain how to use our website search process in more detail.
FAQ Corner
At the recent Board meeting during the Open Forum the topic of Estate sales was discussed. The topic of Estate sales is addressed in our current
PRGs. The following is taken from our current PRGs.
2.8 Business Activities.
Any business activity conducted by a Resident on a Lot is prohibited which: (A) generates traffic or noise, (B) involves employees,
contractors or clients in a residence, or (C) involves the use of signage displayed on the lot or on vehicles, regardless of whether or not
such activity would be permissible under City ordinances. (CC&R Section 4.3).
2.8.1 Estate Sales. Estate Sales are permitted only if (A) prior approval is received from the Executive Director; (B) sale is
limited to three (3) days; (C) sale is held entirely inside of the house, with the garage door remaining closed at all times except
during removal of purchases; (D) three (3) advertising signs are permitted (in Resident’s front lawn and in landscape area near
the entrances to The Club; (E) signs must be printed professionally (no handwritten signs); (F) maximum signage size allowed
is 2x3 feet.
2.8.2 Garage Sales. Garage sales are prohibited unless sponsored by the Association.
Each month we hope to update you on our progress and publish a FAQ section in the Courier. Please submit your questions to The Governing
Documents Ad Hoc Committee via
Featured Resident -
Each month we feature a resident in the community and
What Are the Governing Docs? ByLaws share with you their passion. They might write the article
The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board of Di-
themselves or they ask for assistance from the Community
CC&Rs rectors, the terms of the Directors, the Membership's voting rights, re-
Connections Committee who will gladly conduct an inter-
The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs) are the governing quired meetings and notices of meetings, and the principal office of the
view. See page 36 as we get to learn about Dick Tipton
legal documents that set up the guidelines for the operation of the Association, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the
this month. Next month we will enjoy spectacular pictures
planned community as a non-profit mutual benefit corporation. The Association as a business.
of Pamela Stephens backyard and how she found her love
CC&Rs are recorded by the Placer County Recorder's Office and are for gardening. We want to learn about you! Please contact
generally included in your escrow paperwork along with Bylaws, Arti- Articles of Incorporation
me to be a Featured Resident.
cles of Incorporation and any other operating rules for the community. The Articles of incorporation is a formal document filed with Placer
To amend CCR’s we must go through our attorney. They are usually County to legally document the creation of our HOA.
written with enough flexibility that every change to the operating rules
does not have to go through the attorney How Can you Search a Governing Doc?
The most effective way to search these documents is to open The Club’s
PRGs website and click Docs&Forms on the toolbar at the top. Then select
Policies, Rules & Guidelines - The rules governing what can be done, Docs&Forms. Once you are in our Docs&Forms folder you will see
and regulations governing behavior that are approved by the Board of GOVERNING DOCS at the top. Select that. Then you will see a folder
Directors of the community. They should be in agreement with the for each of the documents described above. Open the document that you
CC&Rs, but may spell out the rules in more specific terms. think contains the information you are looking for. If you have an Apple
device, use Command-F to bring up a search box where you can key
ARC Rules what you are looking for. If you have another device, use Ctrl-F to bring
Architectural Rules spell out guidelines for what you may change on up a search box. If the first term it finds isn’t the one you want, then
your home structure or landscape. This includes such things as door click the down arrow to go to the next term.
changes, exterior lighting changes, or converting your yard to a drought
tolerant landscape. Alternatively, once you are in the document, you can review the index at
the top. If you find what you are looking for scroll to the page indicated.
April 2023 Page 18