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PRESIDENT’S CORNER, Jill Egbert                                                           The Club at WestPark
                                                                                                                     Community Association

                          Hip, hip hurray the deli case is gone!!!  More to come on its replacement.
                                                                                                                      3240 Kennerleigh Parkway,
                          I hope you all survived the Atmospheric Rivers! Wasn’t that crazy and the winds were           Roseville, CA 95747
                          nuts!  I heard it was the second worse snowfall in the Sierra’s since 1952! We may even       Phone: (916) 771-7801
                          match 1952 levels before this winter is over. But welcome to Spring!                           Fax: (916) 771-7827
           I wanted to take this opportunity to touch on gym etiquette.  If you use the fitness center, one of the
           ways you can help protect those assets is by handling the equipment with care. The machines using
           counterweight plates are not meant to make contact between reps. They are meant to raise and lower        The Retreat Facility Hours
           slowly. Every time the metal plates clank against one another, the metal is degrading and being dam-            Monday - Friday
           aged. To prevent the early replacement of the equipment, please make sure during repetitions that you         8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
           move slowly and methodically, getting just to the stack and then back up. The fitness center is used           Saturday & Sunday
           quite a bit and daily wear and tear in the clanking fashion will quickly retire our equipment. As a gentle    8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
           reminder, per the PRG’s, cell phones are prohibited in the fitness center. Please be considerate of your
           neighbors and step outside to take your call, if necessary.
                                                                                                                       FirstService Residential
                                                                                                                        Customer Care Center
           Gym Policies, Rules, & Guidelines:                                                                               (800) 428-5588
                                                                                                                            Resident Portal
           4.2.4. Dress Code. Appropriate apparel and shoes are required. Open-toed shoes or sandals are not per-
           mitted while using the fitness equipment. Fragrances should not be applied before athletic/fitness activ-
           ities, as they can cause medical issues for others.
           4.2.5. The equipment in the Gym is designed for low to medium range strength and cardiovascular                Board of Directors
           training.                                                                                                     Jill Egbert, President
           4.2.6. Most equipment/machines have usage directions posted. It is important to recognize and observe      Scott Smith, Vice President
           the manufacturers’ suggested practices concerning proper usage.                                              Dick Tipton, Treasurer
           4.2.7. Residents have priority over Guests for use of gym equipment and classes.                             Tom Stevens, Secretary
           4.2.8. Food and Drink. Food is not allowed in Gym or fitness classes. Water containers, non-breakable     Mary Gale, Member at Large
           with lids, are allowed.
  All machines and equipment should be wiped down following use. Disinfectant wipes are pro-    Email:
           4.2.9. Time Limits.                                                                                         2023 Board of Directors
  Use of all gym equipment is limited to 30 minutes per person unless no one is waiting to use          Monthly Meetings
           the equipment.                                                                                              Meetings are open to all
           4.2.10. Audio/TVs.                                                                                         members of the Association.
  The TVs are provided for the convenience and enjoyment of all.                                          Next Meeting
  To ‘listen to’ a TV, tune your personal radio (with headset) to the frequency listed for that    Wednesday, April 26th 3pm
           particular TV.
  The Retreat also has a limited number of headsets available for resident use and they are       Onsite Association Staff
           available at the Front Desk during regular hours.                                                                916-771-7801
  TV channels may be changed by the Facility Monitor, if requested.
  The volume of the provided TVs will be set to mute at all times.                               Laura Young, General Manager
  Talking on your cell phone is not permitted in the Gym; if you receive a phone call while in
           the Gym, step outside.                                                                                         Christina Gee, AGM
           4.2.11. Guests. Guests age 18 or older may use the Gym and Fitness Areas or classes if space permits
           with a Resident host. Guests under age 18 are not allowed in the Gym or Fitness Areas and may not
           participate in fitness classes.                                                                        Shannon Van Every, Lifestyle Director
                                                                                                                     Home Specific Emergencies
           A reminder about operation of the HOA
           Compliance, financial reporting, and quarterly assessments are managed by FirstService Residential. FirstService staff are engaged by and    (800) 762-5858
           work at the will of the Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for their management. Contact Laura Young, General Manager first,
           if you have any questions or concerns you feel need to be addressed.
           If you feel that the matter needs to be brought to the Board’s attention, please send an email to The email will   Home Warranty Questions
           be received by the entire Board, Laura Young, General Manager and Sara Jue, Vice President of FirstService Residential.  All
           correspondence is included in the monthly Board packet for review at the next Board meeting. A member in good standing can ask for a
           private meeting with the Board to discuss personal matters.

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