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                                                                                                       Next ARC Meeting
                            Christina Gee                                                        Tuesday, April 25th at 8:30am

                          Can you believe we have already completed the first    waiver outside the Governing Documents. Just as each of you agreed to
                          quarter of 2023? It was a little rough, but we made it   follow the Governing Documents upon moving into The Club at West-
           through all the rain, wind, snow and everything else Mother Nature    Park, management does so by enforcing them.
           tossed our way!
                                                                                 During COVID, there were many items that were permitted to be
           Now that the weather is supposed to be warming up and there’s hope-   placed in front yards to help bring a little “sunshine” to a very stressful
           fully a little less rain in our future, I wanted to advise the membership   and saddened time. Also, there was very little management oversight
           that compliance site walks will soon resume. Management has been      during this time. Now that the COVID era has ceased, we are asking
           conducting drive through compliance visits during the inclement       that residents begin removing items that are not normally permitted,
           weather.  During a site walk, management will be looking for big, little,   such as, bird feeders in front yard trees; pinwheels; colored/painted
           indifferent, unusual, and any other out of compliance items. IF some-  rocks in front yard; potted plants in planter beds; etc.
           thing is found to be out of compliance, a courtesy notice will be mailed
           to the member advising of the non-compliant issue with a projected    Should you see an infraction and wish to notify management, you are
           date to comply. Should you need more time to bring your infraction    welcome to do so. For management to proceed with a notice, we must
           into compliance, please do not hesitate to contact Management for an   know who is making the report. A report cannot be made anonymously
           extension.                                                            with the expectation that management will address the concern. The
                                                                                 reporter is not disclosed to the reported.
           Bear in mind that if you receive a notice, it is not that you are being
           targeted or picked on. As management, it is our duty to assist the mem-
           bership with understanding and abiding by the CC&Rs. We do not

                        FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR
                                                                                    UPCOMING EVENTS                  DATE                TIME
                       Shannon Van Every                                            Watercolor Painting Class        Thursdays              1:30pm
              or 916-771-7801           Beginning Watercolor Painting Class   Mondays           3:30pm
                                                                                    Beginning Drawing Class          Wednesdays             3:00pm
           NEW HOMEOWNER ORIENTATIONS - have been taking place on an                Egg Hunt                         Sat., April 1st        9:30am
           as needed basis since the staff returned from Covid.  We’re excited to say   Cake Pop Class               Fri., April 7th       10:00am
           that Orientations will now be the last Monday of every month at 4pm.
           The next one will be on Monday, April 24th at 4:00 p.m.– RSVP in         Massage                          Fri., April 14th       9:00am
           advance at The Retreat. We will go over the role of the Board, some of the   It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere     Fri., April 14th       5:00pm
           important rules of the community and other items of interest.            Shredding Day                    Tue., April 18th      10:00am
                                                                                    Lunch Around Town                Thur., April 20th     11:45am
           Weight Watchers - prior to Covid WW meetings were held here at The       Massage                          Mon., April 24th      12:00pm
           Retreat and a good many Club Residents attended the meetings.  Good      New Homeowner Orientation        Mon, April 24th        4:00pm
           news, they have contracted with us to host meetings here again every     ARC Committee Meeting            Tue., April 25th       8:30am
           Saturday at 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. starting on Saturday, April 1st and this
           is no joke.                                                              Community Potluck                Tue., April 25th       5:30pm
                                                                                    Board of Directors Meeting       Wed., April 26th       3:00pm
           Announcing the 2023 Summer Music Series                                  Happy Hour Pool Party            Thur., April 27th      3:00pm
           Friday, May 19th, 7pm - Jax Hammer Band                                  BINGO                            Sun., April 30th       6:30pm
           Friday, June 23rd, 7pm - All Star DJ                                     Cinco de Mayo Lunch Party        Fri., May 5th         11:45am
           Friday, July 21st, 7pm  - TBD                                            Colwell Ranch Tasting & Presentation Mon, May 8th      11:00am
           Friday, August 18th, 7pm - Mashall Grove                                 Trivia                           Tues., May 16th        6:00pm
           Thursday, September 21st, 7pm - Time Bandits
                                                                                    Summer Music - Jax Hammer        Fri., May 19th         7:00pm
           SAVE THE DATE                                                            Lunch Around Town                Thur., May 25th       11:45am
           Garage Sale - Saturday, June 3rd                                         Garage Sale                      Sat., June 3rd         7:00am
           Vaccine Clinic - Thursday, September 14th
           Safeway Pharmacy staff will be here to give Flu, COVID, Pneumonia, Shingles and Tdap shots

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