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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Bunco Club Crafters
Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join
us. We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in the library. Dig out those
unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I
guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs. We would like to invite
new residents to stop by anytime and come see what we are doing and
perhaps entice you to join our group.
We also accept yarn and needlework items you no longer want. If you
would like more information about our group, please contact Dona Smith
at (916) 771-8039 or email
Club Trekkers
If you’re not a Trekker and you are interested in becoming a member
please contact Mark Moore at 408-375-0383 or
Normal Club Trekker hikes will be on the first and third Tuesdays of
Pictured left to right: Linda Tarr most Buncos. Cindy Wohl most Wins. Jan Frack
most Losses. Bunco Baby Nancy Eleazarraraz. Raffle Winner Debbie Edgell. each month and the Saturdays immediately following those Tuesdays.
On the other Saturdays of the month we normally conduct neighborhood
The Club's Bunco Group meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:00 walks. Two days before each hike or walk we send out an email with
pm at The Retreat. Registration begins at 5:45 pm. Join us for a night of details regarding the next hike or walk to members of the Club Trekkers.
fun with friends, exciting new format, refreshments, gift cards and Specific hikes may change if the weather changes, and trail safety is
surprises. Club members and guests are welcome! impacted, but the dates will stay the same. May’s trails should all have
Cost: $5.00 per night, $15.00 for a 3-month punch card. All money good temperatures for hiking. Some come on out and enjoy Spring.
collected goes for gift cards. There are gift cards for "Most Bunco's", 5/4/24 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
"Most Wins", "Most Losses" and the new "Flying Bunco Baby". Half 5/7/24 Tuesday - Hidden Falls Regional Park, 6 miles, easy/moderate
time Raffle Gifts 5/11/24 Saturday - Empire Mines SP, 5.5 miles, easy/moderate, Grass
NOTE: If you want to be included on the Bunco notifications, contact me Valley
and I will add you to the list. ALSO, if you are on the email list and want 5/18/24 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
to be removed, contact me and I'll remove you from the list. Jan Frack, 5/21/24 Tuesday - Lake Clementine Loop, 6.4 miles, moderate, Auburn
408-425-8108, Bunco Coordinator 5/25/24 Saturday - Olmstead Loop, 5 miles, moderate, Cool
6/1/24 Saturday - Neighborhood Walk
CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)
Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
The Trustees of the various school districts of South Placer County are,
arguably, some of the most important people we elect to office. Though We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library. If you
subject to State law and regulations, school board members have a huge have any questions, please call Carol 361-290-3222
say in how our schools are run, and thus, the quality of education our
children (grandchildren) receive. Club Veterans
We heard from Heidi Hall at our April meeting. She is the current Vice ANNUAL CLUB VETS BBQ
President of the Roseville Joint Union High School District Board of Do not forget, the Annual Club Vet’s BBQ will be next month on May
Trustees and is running for re-election. Heidi was recruited to run for the 11th!
Board in 2020. Though somewhat reluctant at the time, she was mom to Reserved seats will be paid for in advance to hold your seat(s). No
three school-age boys and had a passion for quality education. She had, reservations will be sold at the door!
as they say, “skin in the game.” So, she took up the challenge and, with We will be providing our supporters with a slowed smoked BBQ’ Tri-
the backing of her many supporters, ran a successful campaign. Tip dinner along with a variety of side dishes to select from. The price is
Those in attendance seemed to be impressed by Heidi’s down-to-earth $35 per seat and we would prefer checks made out to the Club Vets.
manner and thoughtful no-nonsense approach to her duties as And do not wait until the last moment for we this event sells out each
Trustee. School Trustees are, as we know, being pushed and pulled in a year rather quickly.
lot of directions these days. We are fortunate to have Trustees like Heidi You can reserve your seats and pre-pay for them on the following days,
Hall who are willing to put up with the pressures of the job and make 5-1 and on 5-2. We will have veterans at The Club to sign you up and
decisions that are in the best interests of our students. We wish her luck collect the required amount for reservations from 10:00 AM to 12:00
in November. Noon on the days listed above.
Our next meeting will be May 2nd at 6:30 pm at The Retreat. All our raised funds allow us to continue with our mission to help
For more information about our group contact Randy at veterans in need throughout our county and local area. Donations will be or to become a member of our group, contact accepted as well.
Alice at From all of us thank you for caring and your gracious support.
May 2024 Page 10