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Association Events

         “Club Olympics”                                                         BINGO
         Thursday, May 30th at 2:00 p.m.                                         Tuesday, June 18th at 6:30 p.m.
         It’s a game day at The Retreat. You will play abbreviated games of all   Join us for a night of Bingo.
         the favorites here at The Club. Cornhole, Bocce, Ping Pong, Billiards,   We will play at The Retreat and also on
         and MORE.  Start practicing!                                            Zoom! We have a good time.
         RSVP in advance at The Retreat                                          We play 12 games with a break after 6.
         Many thanks to our event sponsor:                                       FREE - RSVP in advance at The Retreat.
         BellaVista Landcape Services, Inc.                                      Many thanks to our event sponsor:  Mimi Kim, Realtor and Notary

                             Community Wide Garage Sale
                             Saturday, June 1st
                             7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
                             You may sell items from your very own driveway!
                             This is the only day/time that garage sales are
         permitted in the community. We will advertise the community-wide sale
         with the Sacramento Bee, Craigslist, and The Roseville Press Tribune.
         **Help advertise by posting the sale on FaceBook, Nextdoor, etc. the
         more marketing the better for everyone!**
         IMPORTANT: If you create your own signs to direct shoppers to your
         home you may not put them in your neighbor’s yard. They may only be                      Pool Party
         in the common areas or on your vehicle.  Please remove all signs by
         3pm. Good luck!  No need to RSVP.                                                        Friday, June 21st at 11:30 a.m.
                                                                                                  Let’s party poolside with lunch and live music.
                                                                                                  Menu: Salad Bar, Rolls, and Ice Cream Sandwiches
         Resident Art Exhibit ~ FREE                                                              The Club Band will perform music from the 60’s and
         Sunday, June 2nd from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.                                              70’s from our very own Club residents. Gary Harang is
         An afternoon of Fine Art & Photography created by Residents here at                      the percussionist, Steve Gerard is vocalist, and Merrill
         The Club. Enjoy a glass of wine while perusing the hard work and talent                  Lehrer is on the keys. All are seasoned professionals
         of your friends and neighbors.                                          with years of experience playing in various bands. $13.00 / per person
         Attention Residents Artists!!
         We look forward to you showing your art at this event                   Sound Healing for Emotional Transformation
         please contact The Retreat to reserve your space.                       Monday, June 24th from 2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.
         Many thanks to our event sponsor:  Mimi Kim, Realtor and Notary         Sound healing can help with mental clarity, stress relief, and even
                                                                                 physical ailments. Research has shown it has the potential to relieve
                                                                                 muscle and bone pain, lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and
                                                                                 strengthen the immune system. Our instructor will be using her own
                                                                                 bowls and her current set are all tuned to 432hz, which is referred to as a
                                                                                 frequency of love, DNA repair, and cleansing of the chakras and the
                                                                                 auric fields. This class is not movement- based but rather a meditative
                                                                                 and introspective experience. Class time will be spent on the floor;
                                                                                 however, you may remain seated if you prefer. Wear comfortable
                                                                                 clothes, yoga mats provided and you are encouraged to bring a quilt or
                                                                                 blanket. Min 10 people / Max 20 people
                                                                                 $25.00 / per person RSVP in advance at The Retreat

         Red Hawk Casino Shuttle                                                 Murder Mystery ~ Summer Wedding
         Monday, June 10th                                                       Thursday, June 27th at 6:30 p.m.
         Meet at The Retreat at by 8:45 am, leave at 9:00 am.                    It’s a Summer Wedding - “Till Death do us Part”.  The wedding bells
         Departs Red Hawk at 2:00 pm, return The Club by 3:00 pm.                aren’t ringing for this not-so-happy couple when a member of the
         The Red Hawk charter bus will be here to pick you up and take you to    wedding party is murdered! With a raging bridezilla and an unenthused
         the casino for an afternoon of fun - at no charge!                      groom on the scene, it may be happily never after in this nuptial
           Bring either a photo ID or your Players Club Card.                   nightmare. Trade clues and help the hapless couple figure out whodunnit
           Lunch will be on your own.                                           so they can say I do before the wedding hour passes them by!
           $5 cash deposit required at time of enrollment.  72 hour             The bride and groom aren’t picky, so you can wear just about whatever
             advance cancellation required to receive your deposit back.         you’d like. In fact, we encourage you to wear your own wedding dress or
             Cancellations within 72 hours; your deposit will go to the shuttle   the most ridiculous wedding attire you can come up with. It’ll make their
             driver.  The driver has not been tipped.                            special day that much more special, so long as they actually get the
         Minimum of 15 people needed, Maximum for Shuttle is 25                  chance to walk down the aisle! $20.00/ per person
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