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TREASURER, Terry Eyrich
The Club at WestPark
Reserve Fund Expense 2024 Community Association
At the last Board meeting, the Treasurer’s Report included a one-page document titled 3240 Kennerleigh Parkway,
Reserve Fund Expenses Summary for 2024. The Reserve Fund is where the association Roseville, CA 95747
funds identified repair, replacement and maintenance of items that the association is responsible for Phone: (916) 771-7801
maintaining, i.e. the spa & pool, bocce courts, roof of The Retreat as well as landscape maintenance in Fax: (916) 771-7827
the common area and front yards. This document was prepared to help the Board plan for the Reserve
Expenses this year.
Here are some key points: a) the beginning balance is $547,533; b) the total contribution to the Reserve The Retreat Facility Hours
is $253,440; c) Estimate interest for the year is $10,000. If we spent no money from the Reserve, we Monday - Friday
would end 2024 with a Reserve balance of $810,973. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday
Other key points to keep in mind are: 1) The Retreat is 17-18 years old and 2) many of our trees in the
Common Area and our Front yards have grown taller requiring an arborist to prune. 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
As you can see, we have identified 20 items that will need to be addressed this year.
We have just completed the resurfacing of the spa for a total cost of $10,980. We mitigated sidewalk trip FirstService Residential
hazards which cost $2,489. These were initially paid for out of our Operating budget. The Board Customer Care Center
approved using Reserve Funds to cover these costs. (800) 428-5588
Resident Portal
Items 6, 12-16 are identified as being paid out of just the Operating budget even though they are
identified in the Reserve Study and could be funded with Reserve funds. It was determined that their
costs would not negatively impact the Operating budget.
Board of Directors
Item 17 Access control system and key FOBs. Our current system for after-hours access to the fitness Dick Tipton, President
room had reached the end of its useful life. The Board authorized using Sonitol (our current security Mary Gale, Vice President
control provider) to provide after-hours access. The $7,587 for the new software will be funded from Tom Stevens, Member at Large
Reserves and the $1,701 ($189/month for remainder of the year) can be covered by the funds in our Linda Mohr, Secretary
Operating Budget. Terry Eyrich, Treasurer
Item 1 Tree Maintenance is for pruning trees that are over 12 ft. tall. The original contract was for
$47,729 for the Spring. The actual invoice was for $39,129; a savings of $8,600. We still have the Fall Email:
2024 Board of Directors
Item 2 Retreat Roof Replacement. The Board approved replacing the roof for $130,947. Hopefully this Monthly Meetings
will be the last major expense for the year. Meetings are open to all
If we complete all the items listed, our Reserve Fund would end the year with a balance of $434,552. members of the Association.
(30% fully funded). This fluctuates every month throughout every year based on reserve component Next Meeting
maintenance needs. See page 3 to view the document. Wednesday, May 1st at 3pm
Wednesday, May 29th at 5:00pm
Next ARC Meeting Onsite Association Staff
Tuesday, May 28th at 8:30am
Laura Young, General Manager
Next Open Session Board Meetings
Wednesday, May 1st at 3:00pm
Wednesday, May 29th at 5:00pm Christina Gee, AGM
Shannon Van Every, Lifestyle Director
A reminder about operation of the HOA
Compliance, financial reporting, and quarterly assessments are managed by FirstService Residential. FirstService
staff are engaged by and work at the will of the Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for their
management. Contact Laura Young, General Manager first, if you have any questions or concerns you feel need to Home Specific Emergencies
be addressed. (800) 762-5858
If you feel that the matter needs to be brought to the Board’s attention, please send an email to The email will be received by the entire Board, Laura Young, General
Manager and Sara Jue, Vice President of Active Adult Communities. All correspondence is included in the Home Warranty Questions
monthly Board packet for review at the next Board meeting. A member in good standing can ask for a private
meeting with the Board to discuss personal matters.
May 2024 Page 2