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Laura Young, CCAM
How does that saying go? “April showers bring May flowers?” Or do April showers bring May flowers and weeds?? While we are
getting the warmer temperatures, the rain is not out of sight entirely. What does this mean? Weeds. It’s the perfect growth oppor-
tunity for those pesky buggers. BellaVista is working tirelessly to keep their best control of them but when we have a mix of cold
rainy weather and then several days of super warm and dry weather, it’s the perfect combination for Mother Nature to “bless” us
with all kinds of weeds. Please know that BellaVista’s contract calls for “reasonably weed free” yards. They won’t always get eve-
ry single one but they do their best to keep planter beds and lawns relatively weed free. They do not hand pull every single weed. They are most
often sprayed and then then pulled the following day or week, depending on the landscape schedule and the time permitted.
The irrigation is on for the community and the crew has been making repairs to the lines as they were dormant for the season. If you are unsure
of the source of any water on your Lot, we recommend calling Roseville Waterwise for a free consultation of all your pipes. That report is a
great tool for the landscape team once they attempt to troubleshoot a water leak that Roseville has deemed to be irrigation. Below, please find
the city requirements for irrigation. These requirements are what BellaVista’s watering schedules are set by. They will be adjusting the water
May 1 but it will take some time to cover the entire community. We thank you for your patience during the periodic adjustments.
Watering Restrictions this Spring and Summer per Environmental Utilities’ Requirements.
The irrigation schedule for The Club is as follows:
Drip Watering Watering
Turf Watering Days Restrictions
Days Window
1st day of March - last day of April and 1st day Residential
of September - last day of October: No irrigation during 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
*Monday and Friday *Between 8 p.m. 1st day of March - last day of April and
1st day of May - last day of August: N/A and 10 a.m. 1st day of September - last day of October:
*Monday, Wednesday, and Friday *Monday and Friday
1st day of May - last day of August:
*Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Shannon Van Every Color Pencil Class Wednesdays 2:00pm or 916-771-7801 Board of Directors Meeting Wed., May 1st 3:00pm
Pool Party/Cinco de Mayo Sun., May 5th 5:00pm
Would you like more information about your house? You can register for an Massage Mon., May 13th 12:00pm
account at the below website to access warranty information, your paint Open Mic Night Mon., May 13th 6:30pm
colors and the build details about your home. Antelope Jazz Band Fri., May 17th 7:00pm
Trivia Tues., May 21st 6:30pm
OPEN MIC NIGHT on Chalk art created by 10 year old Lunch Around Town - Pete’s Rocklin Thur., May 23 11:45am
Monday, May 13th at 6:30 p.m. Jessie James Wohl COOLEY at the Piano Mon., May 27th 6:30pm
The stage is yours! Do you sing? Tell ARC Committee Meeting Tue., May 28th 8:30am
jokes? Play an instrument? Community Potluck Tue., May 28th 5:30pm
Have a skit with some friends? Let’s
put on a show. Sign up at The Retreat Board of Directors Meeting Wed., May 29th 5:00pm
and we will do a rehearsal the week Club Olympics Thur., May 30th 2:00pm
prior. Garage Sale Sat., June 1st 7:00am
“Club Olympics” on Resident Art Exhibit Sun., June 2nd 3:00pm
Thursday, May 30th at 2:00 p.m. It’s a Red Hawk Shuttle Mon., June 10th 8:45am
game party at The Retreat. You will BINGO Tue., June 18th 6:30pm
play abbreviated games of all the Pool Party Fri., June 21st 11:30am
favorites here at The Club. Cornhole, Sound Healing Mon., June 24th 2:30pm
Bocce, Ping Pong, Billiards, and
MORE. Murder Mystery Event Thur., June 27th 6:30pm
Start practicing and sign up to play at The Retreat front desk. Save the Date - Safeway Shot Clinic Fri., Sept. 6th 10:00am
Many thanks to our event sponsor: BellaVista Landcape Services, Inc.
May 2024 Page 5