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Roseville Better Gardens Club Plant Sale                             Quilts, Vendors, Boutique, Raffle Prizes, Country Store, Door Prizes,
           2024 ANNUAL PLANT SALE                                               Lunch & Snacks available
           Saturday, May 4 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (no early birds please)  Admission $10.00
           Maidu Community Center Walkway1550 Maidu Drive, Roseville
           (off of Rocky Ridge between Cirby Way & Douglas Blvd)                Donations
           Sale Open to the Public                                              As a member of Club Crafters, I accept craft items from residents,
           Locally grown by Club members: veggies & herbs, annual &             such as yarn, fabric, supplies, etc. The items can be used by other
           perennial flowers, ornamental grasses, trees & shrubs, houseplants,   residents or donated to other craft groups.
           succulents & cacti—all at great prices! Also, fresh floral           I continue to accept donations for Sacramento Shriners Hospital and
           arrangements, lots of garden items, garden art,                      Sacramento Blankets 4 Sacramento Kids (SBSK) from community
           and baked goods.                                                     residents.
           Cash, credit cards, or debit cards accepted                          SBSK provides new blankets to children in Sacramento and Placer
           Proceeds fund our scholarship program, community grants, and         Counties. The blankets are given to families in hospitals, schools,
           programs that educate the community about gardening, conservation  disaster relief, etc. They accept knitted, crocheted, sewn, quilted, and
           and wildlife.                                                        no-sew fleece blankets.
           RBGC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization                           Each year Sacramento Shriners Hospital provides a ‘wish list’ of new
             items needed for the hospital, children, families, and their ‘in-house’
                                                                                school. Everyone is welcome to donate.
                                                                                Both Shriners and SBSK only accept new items. Used items/blankets
           Roseville Quilters Guild Quilt Show                                  are donated to homeless shelters.
           Friday, May 17th 10  - 5 p.m. / Saturday, May 18th 10 - 4 p.m.       For more information, please contact Denise Caputo at 916-782-1663
           Mahany Fitness Center: 1545 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville           or

              “Neighbor to Neighbor” items are helpful hints submitted by our residents who have concerns or would like to share information. Have
                                           something to share? Send an email to

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