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The Standard Application is used for anything other than the three
mentioned above. Most applications are self-explanatory and ap-
Christina Gee proved without delay or question; however, there are some that re- quire more detail. When an application is denied at an ARC Meeting,
it is usually due to lack of information or clarity. Many times, all it
ARC Application Process ~ wanted to take some takes is for the member to be present at the meeting to explain the
time to remind everyone about the ARC Application missing details. This information is noted in the minutes and included
Submittal Process. When you decide that you would in the members’ approval letter as well. When clarity cannot be ob-
like to make a change/modification to your home, you must submit an tained, the application will be denied and the reason for the denial will
ARC Application. There is no modification you can make to your be provided in a letter. An application that has been denied can always
home that does not require an ARC Application to be submitted, re- be resubmitted for review with the required information at the next
viewed and approved. ARC Committee meeting. Remember, you can find an ARC applica-
There are two (2) types of applications. There is a FastTrack and a tion with the submission process on The Club at WestPark website as
Standard Application. A FastTrack can be approved by Management well as a hard copy at The Retreat kiosk. Keep in mind that the sub-
and is used for only three types of requests: mittal information provided with the ARC application is minimal. Be-
(A) Repaint your home the same color as the time of original close of fore submitting any application, please review the details in the Gov-
escrow; (B) Fence replacement / same for same; (C) Solar Tube in- erning Documents, PRG’s and ARC Guidelines for accuracy of your
stallation. application. The responsibility of the application begins with the
PROCESS IS AS FOLLOWS: member(s) making the request.
1. OBTAIN PROPOSAL FOR WORK Meetings are held on the 4 Tuesday of every month at 8:30am in the
2. COMPLETE ARC APPLICATION card room at The Retreat.
project – please review the ARC Guidelines for details re- Application submission deadline for an ARC meeting is the Wednes-
day prior to the upcoming meeting.
quired for particular modifications)
4. SUBMIT TO CHRISTINA GEE (No meeting held in December)
APPLICATION – APPLICATIONS MISSING ANY OF As always, if you have a landscape maintenance issue, request or
THE ABOVE ITEMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UN- repair, please contact Management for assistance.
Shannon Van Every UPCOMING EVENTS DATE TIME or 916-771-7801 AARP Mon., Oct. 2nd 9:00am
Watercolor Painting Class Mon, Oct. 2nd 3:00pm
Open House ~ come party at The Retreat on Craft Fair Sign Ups - Non Resident Tues., Oct. 3rd 8:30am
Friday, October 6th from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Soapstone Art Class Tues., Oct. 3rd 10:00am
There will be food, games, and a live band. The event is a Color Pencil & Drawing Class Wed., Oct. 4th 3:00pm
partnership between the HOA and your Shared Interest OPEN HOUSE Fri., Oct. 6th 4:00pm
Groups. This is your opportunity to meet the group leaders, Prevent Holiday Burnout Presentation Mon., Oct. 9th 9:30am
schedule a session to learn how to play, find out when they Shredding Day Tues., Oct. 10th 10:00am
meet, and how to get involved. Bring your family to this COOLEY Sings Sun., Oct. 15th 6:30pm
celebration to show off where you live. Speaker Series Tues., Oct. 17th 3:00pm
Apple Hill Bus Trip Wed., Oct. 18th 10:00am
For your convenience document/paper shredding is available right here at Sock Hop Fri., Oct. 20th 7:00pm
The Retreat parking lot twice a year, around April and October. The Bingo Sun., Oct. 22nd 6:30pm
Shred day is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10th at 10am. Shredding ARC Committee Meeting Tues., Oct. 24th 8:30am
will be done for $10.00 / per bankers sized box which is approximately Potluck Tues., Oct. 24th 5:30pm
10"H x 12"W x 15"D. You don’t have to use a bankers box but can bring Board Meeting Wed., Oct. 25th 3:00pm
papers down in shopping bags, other boxes, etc. but the dimensions above Collette Travel Presentation Thur., Oct. 26th 2:00pm
are $10 if you have something bigger it will be $20. They will bring a Dog Howl-loween Fri., Oct. 27th 11:00am
vehicle that will shred on-site. This provides a big sense of security and Pumpkin Carving Tue., Oct. 31st 10:00-5:00pm
peace of mind. Halloween Scavenger Hunt Tues., Oct. 31st 9:00am
Food & Wine Fair Thur., Nov. 2nd 2:00pm
There are lots of fun Halloween activities! We will have our dog costume Nachos Day Mon., Nov. 6th 3:00pm
contest on Fri, October 26th and come by The Retreat on Halloween to It’s 5 O'clock Somewhere Fri., Nov. 10th 5:00pm
participate in a Scavenger hunt (no time frame, at your leisure). You can Managing Holiday Eating Present. Mon., Nov. 13th 5:30pm
Sun., Nov. 19th
Al Skinner
also reserve a pumpkin to take home for carving and bring back to display
for a prize! Trivia Tue., Nov. 21st 6:30pm
October 2023 Page 4