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Association Events

         CLUB AT WESTPARK OPEN HOUSE                                             Celebrating National Cyber Security Month
         Friday, October 6th  from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.                         New Speaker Series Launches in October (FREE)
         Hosted by your Shared Interest Groups and the HOA                       Tuesday, October 17th
           Get to know your Shared Interest Groups!                             3:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
           Free music entertainment!                                            Retreat Wellness Room
           Games and Prizes!                                                    TWO PRESENTATIONS BY THE ROSEVILLE PD
           Grandkids, friends & family welcome!                                 Mia Winter, Moderator, former Neighborhood Watch
           Chili and Hot Dogs for sale!                                         Director, The Club and retired Information Security
                                                                                 Awareness Program Manager, Cisco Systems.
         Tickets will be sold at The Retreat the day of the event for            Cyber Technology Scams Targeting Seniors
         50 cents / each. These tickets will be used to purchase                 Lt. Jeff Kool and Cyber Crimes Detective Chris Uribe, Roseville PD,
         food and participate in various games and activities.                   will address common scams targeting seniors with an emphasis on those
         Cash Preferred                                                          using technology including computers and smartphones.  You’ll learn
         Some food or activities may require multiple tickets.                   what you can do to protect yourself -- and your devices -- from becoming
                                                                                 a victim.
         Free Admission to the event.
         Look forward to seeing ALL Club residents at the Open House!            Have you been a victim of “SWATTING?”
                                                                                 Lt. Chris Ciampa, Public Information Officer, RPD
                                                                                 Lt. Ciampa will give a brief overview on how the Roseville Police
                                                                                 Department responds to fake SWATTING calls vs. 911 calls when bodily
         Prevent Holiday Burnout ~ Presentation with Iselin                      harm or death in the home is suspected.  SWATTING is when someone
         Monday, October 9th                                                     makes a prank phone call or hoax phone call to 911 or an emergency
         9:30 a.m. -10:45 a,m,                                                   services entity, in an attempt to get a large number of police officers or
         Now that summer is coming to a close the holidays are                   an armed response (like the SWAT team) to a location without the
         quickly approaching.  The holidays can be a time of                     resident or business knowing about it.
         happiness; filled with social gatherings, activities, and               RSVP at The Retreat - FREE
         rejoicing.  And even though the holidays only last a few days each year,
         many of us spend months planning for them.  But as enjoyable as all the
         parties and gift-giving might be, it is often a time of high emotion and a   Apple Hill Bus Trip
         time when family and other interpersonal conflicts often surface.       Wednesday, October 18th
         In this seminar we will discuss the real reasons why you experience
         holiday burnout and the 7 top ways to keep your holiday spirit alive.    Apple Hill is situated just outside of Placerville and is an area bursting
         Iselin Annonio, MPH, Certified Health Coach, Master                     with Wineries, Apple Orchards, Tree and Pumpkin Farms. We will visit
         Lifestyle Expert                                                        two locations for eating lunch, shopping, and .  The final stop will be at
                                                                                 Highway 50 Brewery which has both a winery and brewery on-site,
         RSVP at The Retreat $10.00 / per person
                                                                                 enjoy a drink on the deck before we head back to the City.
         Shredding Day!                                                          Depart 10:00 a.m. 3240 Kennerleigh Parkway
         Tuesday, October 10th from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.                      Arrive 11:15 a.m. High Hill Ranch/Depart 12:45 p.m. High Hill Ranch
         10:00 am is the busiest time… come later if possible                    Arrive 1:00 p.m. Larsen Apple Barn/Depart 1:45 p.m. Larsen
         The Shredding Company  (AKA Confidential Document Control LLC)          Arrive 1:55 p.m. Highway 50 Brewery/ Depart 3:00 p.m. Highway 50 B
         will be on-site to take care of your shredding. They will park in the back   Arrive 4:15 p.m. 3240 Kennerleigh Parkway
         of the parking lot at The Retreat. No reservations needed… just show up!   $30.00 / per person - RSVP by October 1st
         Shredding will be done for $10.00 / per bankers sized box which is      The price covers the bus and driver gratuity.  All meals on own.
         approximately 10"H x 12"W x 15"D. You don’t have to use a bankers
         box but can bring papers down in shopping bags, other boxes, etc. but the  Sock Hop
         dimensions above are $10 if you have something bigger it will be $20.    Friday, October 20th
         They will bring a vehicle that will shred on-site. This provides a big   7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
         sense of security and peace of mind. No need to RSVP. CASH ONLY         The Rusty Rockers provide great music that will take
                                                                                 you back in time and bring back those forgotten
         COOLEY Sings Elton John                                                 memories...OLDIES BUT GOODIES! Their music
         Sunday, October 15th                                                    spans the 50's and 60's, with songs from Elvis, The
         6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.                                                   Platters, The Drifters, Ricky Nelson, Chuck Berry,
         A night at The Retreat with                                             Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash,  Willie Nelson, Jim
         COOLEY at the piano performing                                          Reeves, and Buck Owens.
         all your Elton John and Billy Joel                                      $15.00 / per person includes live band and dessert
         favorites. COOLEY’s passionate and
         genuine style have delighted and stirred hundreds of thousands from
         Seattle to San Francisco to Tokyo.
         $12.00 / per person ~ RSVP in advance at The Retreat
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