Page 14 - 2022-10
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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Shutterbugs Wine Appreciation (WAG)
All club members are encouraged to make sure they become a member of settings and providing great service!
our Facebook Group at: For October WAG, we have a new winery that will be showcasing their
groups/436603713658143 wines. Christopher Close-Thorn from Hannah Nicole Vineyard &
This is a great place to easily share your photos. Give it a try. Winery will be visiting us from the north bay. Additionally, Chef Jeneca
For questions, please contact Debbie Ferris will have small plates to pair with the delicious wines. Details of this
or Terry Brady or any of your steering committee event have been emailed to the WAG Members.
members. Plan on spinning the lucky Roulette Wheel to win a bottle of wine
courtesy of your WAG Steering Committee at The Club’s Open House on
Spite & Malice
October 7th.
The 6th Annual Wine & Food Festival will be back at The Club on
We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library. If you have questions about Thursday, November 3rd from 2:00 – 4:00. We have a variety of
our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773-6266. wineries attending to include favorites Mount Saint Joseph and
Water Volleyball Klinkerbrick and Highway 12 will be joining us from Sonoma
County. Favorite restaurants that are returning are Authentic Street Tacos
Water Volleyball group is a 'drop in' sport, no dues or RSVP needed! No and Tomatina and new this year, will be Kitchen 747. Rich of Colwell
experience is needed either! Thundering Herd Mandarin Ranch is also returning and new this year will
Two teams are created once everyone has arrived. We keep score, but just be Jason from Raley’s One. We have many other venders committed to
for that day. We usually play 4-5 games in an hour. Players serve & coming in, and we are still working on getting more venders to make this
return the soft ball back and forth to make points. year’s festival one of the best! And you cannot go wrong with the price
The pool is only 3.5-4ft deep and is heated to 83 deg, so playing in water of $15.00 per person! Please see Shannon for ticket information.
is very refreshing. Pool/water shoes are suggested. WAG Members – Once again, we will be looking for volunteer Hosts and
We play every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:45am-12:45pm. If you'd Teams for the 2023 season. An email will be sent out soon for this
like to be added to the SIG's email list to receive updates and reminders, request, and as always, we appreciate the volunteers who work hard for
including any changes we make to the time or day that we play, contact the WAG!
Dan Ketchum at If you would like to join
Wii Bowling the Wine Appreciation
Group or have any
Wii Bowling is now scheduled to play on the 2nd Tuesday evening of questions, please feel free
each month. The next game night will be Tuesday, October 11th. Please to contact me, Helen
watch for your opportunity to RSVP for October 11th starting on Warren, 916-768-0122 or
Tuesday, September 27th at approximately 6 pm. Reservations are via email at
required in order to play. Please note: If you would like to receive Wii
Bowling group emails, please add Wii Bowling Group to your profile in “Accept what life offers
the directory. New players please email Barry and Diana Gray at: you and try to drink from to receive new player information that includes every cup. All wines
how to place your required RSVP for each month's game night. Dues of should be tasted: some
$5 per person are collected the night of the event and prizes are awarded should only be sipped,
to the highest scoring team. September Trivia Answer: Since a Turkey but with others, drink the
was known as a string of 3 consecutive strikes during the late 1700s to whole bottle” Paulo
early 1800's, what was a string of 4 consecutive strikes known as? Coelho
Answer: In that era food was considered a grand prize therefore it was
known as "A Hambone" or in current terms keeping with the animal Photo from September Wine Group event,
theme it is known as "A Badger". Now that we know that, let's keep the decorated beautifully for the theme.
ball rolling with a new trivia question: In bowling, what is a string of 3
consecutive spares known as? Look for the answer in the November
Courier. We hope to knock down some pins with our neighbors and Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
friends on October 11th. Won't you join us?
Wine Appreciation (WAG) Ye Olde Westpark Players will be presenting our Fall Production of
"Don't Drink the Water" on November 11, 12, and 13. It is a hilarious
The Wine Appreciation Group (WAG) was pleased to have Darin from comedy! Tickets will go on sale in mid-October. An email will go out to
Bailarin Cellars join us. Darin presented a variety of excellent wines that the community with the sale dates. Please stop by our booth at the Open
were paired with dishes prepared by Chef Jeneca. Special thanks to the House to meet our actors and learn about our club. New members are
hosts, Caroline & Steve Crawford, Lana & Bob King, and Bonni & Don always welcome - no experience necessary! If you are interested in
Reid and their hard-working team for putting together beautiful table acting or working behind the scenes, please contact Director Rita
October 2022 Page 14