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October Fitness Schedule

                                            Classes are paid for by the month at $4.00 / per class.
               Drop-Ins are $6.00 and based on availability. Drop-In for TRX $10.00 and based on availability.
                                           Call (916-771-7801) or come by The Retreat to enroll.

               FITNESS CLASS                       Monday           Tuesday         Wednesday Thursday                     Friday         Charge

                 Strong & Stable                                     8:15am                                8:15am                            $32

               TRX (Waiting List)                   8:30am                              8:30am                                               $90

                 Strong & Stable                                     9:15am                                9:15am                            $32

                        Pilates                     9:30am                              9:30am                                               $36

                   Chair Fitness                   10:30am                             10:30am                                               $36

                 Balance, Posture                                                                                                            $32
                     and Stretch                                     4:15pm                                4:15pm

                    TRX Circuit                                                  Chair Fitness
                    Monday/Wednesday at 8:30am                                   Monday/Wednesday 10:30AM
                    TRX uses body weight and gravity as resistance to gain       This class is designed for those with arthritis and other condi-
                    strength, flexibility, balance and joint stability. TRX suspen-  tions that cause muscle and joint discomfort. The goal of the
                    sion straps make gravity your resistance. Adjusting difficulty   class is to increase the range of motion, increase flexibility,
                    is as easy as moving your feet. Using TRX straps, as well ex-  endurance, mobility and improve balance and strengthen
                    ercises off of TRX, including stability balls, exercise bands   muscles using light weights, balls and bands. The class in-
                    and dumbbells, you will get a total body workout in this cir-  cludes some standing but remaining in a chair is always an
                    cuit style small group training. All fitness levels welcome!   option.
                    $10 / per person per class October $90 - 8 people max        October $36

                    Pilates Update
                    Monday/Wednesday 9:30am                                      Balance, posture and stretch
                    In October Pilates will adjust to twice a week on Mondays    Tuesday/Thursday at 4:15pm
                    and Wednesdays.                                              Improve your balance with exercises that promote proper
                    Pilates is all about posture and relates back to the spine.  You  postural alignment. We will include strengthening exercises
                    might think you’re doing an arm exercise, but I think of it   as well as stretches for improved posture. We will round out
                    more as waving around an extremity to cause tension on the   the class with balance exercises using a variety of balance
                    muscles that support the back.  Yes, your arms get toned, but  training techniques. This class is formatted for a wide range
                    your back gets strong too.  If your bones are all in the “right”  of fitness levels. But must be able to stand independently.
                    place, then the muscles can work better around them to move  October $32
                    you through your daily life.
                    October $36

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