Page 14 - 2024-11
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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Water Volleyball Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
‘West end’ of the pool. All residents are welcome, and no experience or The Ye Olde WestPark Players have finished with the Fall Show:
special skill is needed. Water shoes and a hat are recommended. If you’d Murder and Magic. We will be on hiatus until January 20th for
like to learn more about our club, feel free to visit our ‘homepage’ on the Auditions, material will be passed out the week before. Our Spring
Club’s website (Groups, then Water Volleyball), or send an email to Dan performance will be April 25 - 27th. All are welcome, no experience
Ketchum at necessary.
Wii Bowling
The Wii Bowling Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday evening of each TOY COLLECTION
month from 6pm – 9pm. We have a lively, fun competition to see which
randomly chosen team can score the highest average after playing a set BARREL
of 3 games to win the night's prize. We always look forward to AT THE RETREAT
welcoming new members into our group and hope they will enjoy
playing the game and socializing with their friends and neighbors. If any
residents have an interest in joining our group, please email your hosts,
Barry and Diana Gray, at:
Our next game night is Tuesday, November 12th. Dues of $5 per FROM NOVEMBER 1st
person, per game night are collected the night of the event and prizes of
$25 gift cards to various local restaurants are awarded to each member of to
the highest scoring team. Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for
November, starting on Tuesday October 29th at approximately 6 DECEMBER 20th
pm. Reservations are required in order to play. We hope you’ll join us.
Wine Appreciation (WAG)
The October WAG event theme was Hallo Wine, with Karmere, in
Plymouth, as the guest winery. Haley is a fun, informative speaker who UNWRAPPED TOYS
provided us with her family history and stories. Haley was extremely
generous and not only offered wine at 50% off, but also gave out tastings
of the Sparkling wine.
There will not be a regular WAG event in November, however, we will ($10 and greater in value)
be hosting the annual Wine & Food Festival in conjunction with The
Retreat. There will be 5 wineries, over 10 food vendors, plus a live band
(Spare Parts). This event is open to everyone in the community so we
urge you to attend this fun event, sign up with The Retreat front desk. It
is a great time to taste food and wine from local businesses.
I will also be sending a separate email to all WAG member’s advertising
this event, plus providing information regarding December.
If you’re not a member of WAG but wish to join, please contact Bonnie
Pavri at (707) 228-6255 or via email at
November 2024 Page 14