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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Orchid Group Rummikub (New Group Forming)
Did you know that you don’t need a fancy greenhouse or even a perfectly Rummikub will not be meeting on Monday, November 25th.
positioned window to successfully grow and bloom orchids here in Rummikub is a fun, easy tile game played with 2-4 players. The object
Roseville. You can grow orchids outdoors in pots or even in the ground. of the game is to play all of the tiles on your rack and go "Out"! Your
It is important to know which species of orchids will tolerate our climate tiles are played by forming groups and runs. All new players are
and what to do when the temperatures sky rocket and the humidity goes welcome!!
down to nothing. On November 8th (Friday) at 1:00 pm, Dave Veach Come join us at The Retreat every Monday at 1:00-2:30 pm. You will
will be presenting “How to Grow Orchids Outdoors” for the Orchid have fun and make some new friends. If you would like to learn to play
Group. Come and learn tips, tricks and hacks for growing orchids or have questions, contact Cheryl Thompson 916-765-4530 or
outdoors even in our Roseville climate.
As usual, there will be a Show and Tell table so bring your blooming
orchids to so we can all enjoy them. If you have any questions about your Shutterbugs
orchids, you can bring them to the meeting for some expert advice. We November Meeting Thursday, November 14th at 2:00PM
will also have an orchid raffle so some of you will be going home with a
new orchid if you’re lucky. Note the November Meeting Day change.
We have an interesting meeting planned for Thursday, November 14th at
Pinochle 2:00PM in the Library. Who can find the scariest, funniest, or most
unusual photos to share at our meeting as we continue with our theme
COME PLAY PINOCHLE EVERY SATURDAY @ 10AM TO NOON Photographing your Neighborhood. We will revisit “Composition" with a
AT THE CLUB short presentation and then share photos. Please submit photos for
Every Saturday 10 to 15 players are at the Club to play lively games of sharing or be prepared to show them from your phone or tablet. Club
PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle members are encouraged to become a member of our Facebook Group at:
10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group This is our
will help you come back up to speed. Win or lose we are here to have a preferred method to show your photos at our meetings. Give it a try. If
good time. If you are interested in playing Pinochle drop in or call Alan needed, you can still send your pictures to Lou as attachments in an email
Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872- or a Zip file.
8984. For December instead of a meeting we will have a Holiday Lunch Party
Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group on Thursday December 5th. We will meet at the Restaurant at 11:30 AM.
More information to follow.
The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have We would like to invite all Club Residents to join our meeting and
fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All activities.
levels of players are welcome. Interest in the Shutterbugs give Lou a call at 949 378 9271 or e-mail him
Days and Times: at:
Friday 1:30-3:30pm
Saturday 2-4pm Socrates Café (New Group Forming)
Sunday 2-4pm The next meeting is Wednesday, November 20th, 3 PM at The Retreat
Tuesday 1:30-3:30pm (if Wellness room is available). Library. The Socratic Café is a community group focused on discussing
Just drop in, or email Francis Chang at to be a variety of interesting and timely philosophical/social issues in an
added to our email list. amicable atmosphere. These discussions bring attention to your own
Poker Club knowledge, understanding and experiences acquired during the course of
life. Engage your mind in active and thought-provoking dialog with
others. In essence, the Socratic Café invites us to question assumptions
Wednesdays 6-9. Library. and beliefs, engage in stimulating dialogue, and seek deeper insights
Low stakes; Low Talent. about life. Your facilitator will be Nelson Loaiza, a former college
No weapons. NO CHEATERS. teacher.
Occasional snacks.
No wild cards. Spite & Malice
The official playing time is 6pm to 9pm every Wednesday. Men and the Please join us for a card game called Spite & Malice. We play on
better players (the women) arrive around 5:30 for a night of fellowship Sundays and Tuesdays at 1pm - 4pm in the Library. Don't know how to
and very low stakes poker. We usually play in the Retreat library with the play? Come by and we will teach. It's a fun card game that you have to
Club-provided beverages just outside on the bar. (Occasionally someone use your brain to beat your opponent/opponents. Contact Jerye Stratmann
will bring some snacks.) This is fun Nickel, Dime, Quarter poker. It is at for information or questions.
Dealer Ante and Game Choice… We DO play interesting games. We DO
NOT play WILD-card games. Most games are Stud, Draw or the newer Water Volleyball
Texas Hold ‘em, Omaha or some variation to spice up the night.
Learning assistance for the different games is happily provided and cards The Water Volleyball club members are looking forward to the pool
speak on the table after each hand… Any questions call Phil Lander reopening mid-April. We play Tuesdays and Thursdays @11:30am in the
(916) 872-8060. November 2024 Page 13