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Congratulations to Jim Pineo, Rich Capp, Roni Renda,                     Congratulations to Tony Santoro, Carole McGrath, Jon
                             and Al Silva for winning the                                Georgie, and Charles Kelly for winning the May 2024
               May 2024 League Tournament for Wednesday PM Bocce.                             League Tournament for Thursday AM Bocce.

                                           Congratulations to Dave French, Linda Pasley, and Rick Koehler for winning
                                                   the May 2024 League Tournament for Thursday PM Bocce.

             Congratulations to Susan Garcia, Bobbie Case, Frank Moreno,           Congratulations to Jack Gibbons, Pam Stephens, and Rich Snyder
               and Jerye Stratmann for winning the May 2024 League                         for winning the May 2024 League Tournament for
                          Tournament for Friday AM Bocce.                                               Saturday AM Bocce.

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