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Meet Roseville Fire Chief Rick Bartee, Guest Speaker
                                           August 14  Summer Speaker Series - Mia Winter, Host

                        His qualifications are impeccable.  His dedication and determination to serve in the fire protection industry is undeniable.  Chief
                        Rick Bartee became the Fire Chief for the City of Roseville in November 2015 after an impressive 34-year career with the Phoenix
                        Fire Department and his FEMA deployments and leadership. He worked in all ranks with the Phoenix Fire Department from Fire
                        Fighter, Fire Engineer, Fire Captain and Technical Rescue Technician.  Bartee promoted to chief officer in 1997 and rose through
         all levels of the chief officer ranks from Battalion Chief, Division Chief, Deputy Chief then promoted in 2007 to Assistant Chief.
         As the Assistant Fire Chief for the City of Phoenix Fire Department, he managed the FEMA/Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team, Fire/Police
         Joint Homeland Defense Bureau, Emergency Medical Services Division, Fire Prevention and Code Enforcement, Technical Services and Dispatch
         Center, Strategic and Special Events Planning, the Phoenix Fire Department’s Urban Area Security initiative, and the state Homeland Security
         Grant Program grants for the last seven years up to his retirement in 2015.  Bartee is currently the National Task Force Representative for all 28 FE-
         MA/USAR Task Forces, and is a member of the FEMA/USAR Blue Incident Support Team as the Deputy IST Leader.
         Deployed To FEMA’s Worst Disasters
         From 2001 to 2008, Chief Bartee was deployed to the scene of some of the most horrific disasters in US history: The World Trade Center 2001,
         Space Shuttle Columbia 2003, Hurricane Katrina 2005, Hurricanes Gustav and Ike Texas 2008.

         After becoming Roseville’s Fire Chief, he became a member of the FEMA/USAR CA-TF7, Sacramento.  In the Fall of 2021, Chief Bartee and the
         FEMA/USAR Blue IST -- unified with Miami FL Metro Dade Fire and Rescue -- to lead the search and rescue recovery efforts at the Champlain
         Towers Collapse, Surfside, FL, a suburb of Miami.  There were over 600 search and rescue personnel involved in that incident.  His latest
         deployment with FEMA Blue IST was this past summer in 2023 to Lahaina, Maui where his team led over 500 rescuers in the search and recovery
         of victims that burned through Lahaina.

         Chief Bartee earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Grand Canyon University and an Associate of Applied Sciences from Phoenix College.
         He completed an Executive Leadership program through the Center of Homeland Defense at the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, CA.  He
         is married to Jennifer and is the father of three children.
         Since 2015 “I have had the privilege of leading a great group of professional firefighters/paramedics dedicated to providing the highest level of cus-
         tomer service to the citizens of Roseville,” said Chief Bartee.

         Learn more about Fire Chief Bartee at this special event
         Wednesday, August 14  at 6:30 PM, The Wellness Center, RSVP 916-771-7801 (free)

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