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shopping, they are provided with lunch at Center Point Community Church
where the officers and kids have lunch together.
Personally, this program makes me enjoy my job even more because it
By: Mia Winter allows officers to experience interaction with youth outside the limited
To Helping Hands with Gratitude interaction of enforcing laws. Instead, we go shopping! It allows us to help
the many kids we see on a daily basis during 911 calls.
In October 2018, Helping Hands donated $200 to support Neighborhood
Watch Operations. The money helped. At the Coffee & Chat on October 28, The generosity of The Club at Westpark’s Neighborhood Watch program
2022, with members of my team present, I gave-back the $200 to Judy will help sponsor three children whose father recently died from a medical
Panish, Helping Hands president, as a token of my appreciation. To our issue overseas. Our officers had to notify the family. They are now on a
delight, Helping Hands used the money to purchase two bicycles for their single income and struggling.
Christmas fundraiser. For more information on the Shop with a Cop program, visit:
You may have seen the television
coverage in past years where Roseville social_services/shop_with_a_cop
police officers take deserving
underprivileged kids and at-risk youths
Christmas shopping at a big box store.
According to Sgt. Nicholas Gaines,
who oversees the program, 10 law
enforcement agencies participate each
year. Each agency raises enough
money so that each child gets a $250
gift card to spend with an officer at
their local Target store. In December
2019, 35 kids were selected by Roseville P.D. Community donations and
fundraisers support this project.
“Because we’ve always supported law enforcement, first responders and
especially kids, on November 7 , members of my team and I went to the
Roseville Police Department to present Sgt. Gaines with a big donation for
the December 10 Shop with A Cop annual event at Target on Fairway.”
Front row left: Mike and Bev Morales, Mia Winter, Alice Klang, Dee Miller,
Captain Josh Simon; Absent: Brian Parry and Kari Lindner.
Back row left: Rob Baquera, Public Info Officer, Bill Winter, Sgt. Nicholas
Gaines, Bud Miller
Bill Winter, Club Resident Wins Law Enforcement Award
I am pleased to announce that my husband, Bill Winter, was awarded the
Enforcement Agencies (PLEA) Honors and Awards Selection Committee at
the November 3, 2022 annual event for his outstanding work at the
Roseville Police Department since 2015. Congratulations!
Mia Winter presents donation to Sgt. Nicholas Gaines
Neighborhood Watch Donates $650 to the Shop with a Cop Project
By Sgt. Nicholas Gaines
The Roseville Police Department’s Shop with a Cop project was established
in 2010 by our Crime Suppression team to help keep children out of the
gang life style. Over the past 12 years, the program has expanded to include
“any at risk youth within our community where there is a financial need, a
personal obstacle the child is facing (i.e., school, drugs, single parent
homes, medical issues, family deaths), and something that shows the child
is striving to overcome those obstacles”.
Each one selected is paired with an officer to go shopping at a local Target.
Our program strives to raise funds to provide each child (ages 5-18) with (Left): Rob Baquera, PIO, Bill Winter award
$250 to shop for winter clothes, school and household supplies, and recipient, Sgt. Nicholas Gaines and Captain
Christmas gifts. Each child gets to ride in the front seat of a police car in a Josh Simon
large motorcade from Mahany Sports Complex to Target on Fairway. After
December 2022 Page 18