Page 15 - 2022-12
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December Fitness Schedule

             Classes are paid for by the month at $4.00 / per class. Drop-Ins are $6.00 and based on availability.
                                             Drop-In for TRX $10.00 and based on availability.
                                           Call (916-771-7801) or come by The Retreat to enroll.
                                  NO CLASSES DECEMBER 26TH!  Happy Holidays!

               FITNESS CLASS                       Monday           Tuesday Wednesday Thursday                             Friday         Charge

                  Strong & Stable
                                                                     8:15am                                8:15am                             $36

                         TRX                        8:30am                              8:30am                                                $70

                  Strong & Stable
                                                                     9:15am                                9:15am                             $36

                        Pilates                     9:30am                              9:30am                                                $28

                    Chair Fitness                  10:30am                             10:30am                                                $28

                                                                     11:00am                              11:00am                             $90

                 Balance, Posture
                     and Stretch                                     4:15pm                                4:15pm                             $36

                                                                                           Featured Resident -
                                                                                           Each month we feature a resident in the community and
                                                                                           share with you their passion.  They might write the article
                                                                                           themselves or they ask for assistance from the Community
                                                                                 4. Groups - takes you to all of our Special Interest Groups with in-
                                                                                           Connections Committee who will gladly conduct an inter-
            Login to the Club at WestPark Community website at                      formation about the group and how to get involved. If you would
                                                                                           view.  See page 36 as we get to learn about Dick Tipton
   After you have logged in, you    be more comfortable joining a group by meeting someone in the
                                                                                           this month.  Next month we will enjoy spectacular pictures
            will be on the Home Page. If you have trouble logging in, see anyone    group beforehand, use these links.
                                                                                           of Pamela Stephens backyard and how she found her love
            at the Retreat front desk.                                           5. Docs & Forms - This is where you can find the CC&Rs, Board
                                                                                           for gardening.  We want to learn about you! Please contact
                                                                                    Meeting Minutes, ARC rules.
                                                                                           me to be a Featured Resident.
            At the very top, you should see your name and a link to logout of the  6. Contacts - Has office contact information, Board information,
            website. You will see a link you can click to access your profile. That   Committees and online forms.
            link is very useful if you want to add your name to a Special Interest
            Group mailing list or you want to add or update your profile photo.   You will notice that to see the Upcoming Events, you need to select
            The last thing on that line is a search icon. It will search all the con-  the Lifestyle tab and then select Upcoming Events. This is where you
            tent pages on our website.                                           can get information about what Shannon has planned for us as well as
                                                                                 the date of the next open Session Board Meeting.
            The next line has tabs that help group the various things you can
            browse on our website.                                               The three images at the bottom of the screen indicate the most fre-
            1. Home returns you to the Home Page                                 quently used links. Note that you must actually click the “Let’s Go”
            2. Community - has links to things of interest to our community      on the image.
            3. Lifestyle - is Shannon’s page with other links to the calendar, pho-
               to galleries, and information on how to get involved.             There is a lot of information on our website. Take time to check it out.

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