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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)                                           Club Veterans

         recognize our God-given liberties while promoting opportunity for every
         We hope that you will join us January 5th at 7 PM for our first meeting
         of 2023.  Watch for our invitation by email and refer to our group page
         for more information:  or contact
         Randy at
         To join our group contact Alice at
                                    Club Crafters

         Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join
         us.  We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in the library.  Dig out those
         unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I
         guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs. If you would like more
         information about our group, please contact Dona Smith at (916) 771-          Left to right: Greg Cerlenko, George Palicki, Myron Jenkins,
         8039 or email                                                    Roy Vanoni, Bob Caputo, Stan Kasperik
                                                                                                        Photo by Richard Small
                                    Club Trekkers
                                                                                 that night’s basketball game against UC Merced to all the veterans who
         We will continue to have hikes on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays and the      attended. Jessup won 71-58. All of us are excited about this endeavor for
         following Saturdays.  Neighborhood walks will take place on Saturdays   it will leave a living legacy to be proud of that will continue for decades
         when there is no hike.  Hikes for December will offer the chance to get   to come.
         out and visit other locations within about an hour’s drive.  Emails will be  NOTE: There is no Vets meeting in December, we stand down until
         sent out to the members two days before hikes and walks with details.    January 12, 2023
         The hikes and walks planned are:
         Sat 12/3 - Neighborhood Walk                                                               Cornhole (New Group Forming)
         Tue 12/6 - Folsom Lake from Beals Point                                 The newly formed cornhole league is off to a great start.  We’ve been
         Sat 12/10 - Lake Clementine out and back                                having wonderful participation, a lot of fun and a few laughs.  Cornhole
         Sat 12/17 - Neighborhood Walk                                           is a game where teams take turns throwing bean bags at a raised, angled
         Tue 12/20 - North Fork of the American River Overlook                   board with a hole in the far end.  The goal is to land bean bags in the hole
         Tue 12/20 - Nighttime walk around the neighborhood to see decorations   or on top of the board.  Teams are established each time from a lottery
         Sat 12/24 - Christmas Eve Hike - Old Stagecoach & No Hands Bridge       draw. If weather is permitting, we will play outside under the overhang
         Sat 12/31 - Neighborhood Walk                                           and in adverse weather we play in the exercise room.  A sign-up email is
         Sun 1/1 - Greet the New Year with an easy hike to Averys Pond           sent out approximately one week before scheduled play.
                                                                                 Cornhole normally plays the first and third weeks of every month.  In
                       Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
                                                                                 December we will play on Monday, December 5th at 1:00 pm and
         We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library.   If you   Wednesday, December 7th at 5:30.  There will be no play the third week
         have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222                       of December as that is a holiday week.
                                                                                 Cornhole has met the attendance requirements to become an official
                                     Club Veterans                               Shared Interest Group and our application to the Board will be submitted
                                                                                 in December.
         Recently the Westpark Veteran’s decided to make their annual donation  All levels of players are welcome – come give us a try.  We’ll teach you
         to William Jessup University here in Placer County to support the       the fundamentals of the game if you haven’t played before.
         creation of a new Veteran’s Resource Center on campus. This center will
         be the first of its kind in Northern California supporting the needs of                                Cribbage
         their 70+ veterans who are now earning their degrees to improve
         themselves and their families’ futures.                                 MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS @ 10AM CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED
         The goal of the university is to make sure no veteran will go into debt to  AT THE CLUB UNTIL NOON
         obtain their degrees and this center will allow them to gain expanded   Come play CRIBBAGE with us every Monday and/or Wednesday from
         benefits from the VA to assist them in that goal.                       10am to noon. We play two and three handed and partners with four.
         The Veteran’s group donated $2,500 as part of overall funding for the   Cards are drawn to see who plays with whom.  If you have not played in
         construction of this on campus center and in turn our group was honored  a long time, no problem, we will go slow and reacquaint you to the
         on November 4th during their Veteran’s Honor night. What an evening it  game. We have 12 to 20 members and play to have fun and enjoy each
         was! So nice to be welcomed by the students who appreciate all that the  others company. If you would like to play Cribbage drop in or call Alan
         veterans have done for them and the school. In addition, they dedicated   Uman. Any Questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-

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