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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                   Democratic Forum                                                         Helping Hands 2.0

         Are you ready for a delicious meal and some scintillating conversation?
         Our annual winter holiday luncheon, featuring mouthwatering grilled
         chicken with tender asparagus and sundried tomato cream along with
         fresh veggies, a scrumptious salad and various desserts, is set for Dec.
         7th, 12:00PM at The Retreat's Cafe. The cost is $17.00 per person. Send
         your RSVP to TCWPDemocraticForum@gmail.comby Nov. 30. Already
         signed up? You'll be receiving an email detailing where to send your
         check OR pay in person at The Retreat between 2:00PM & 4:00PM on
         Wednesday, Nov. 30.
         As you can imagine, the week before election-day, the open forum at our
         regular meeting on Nov. 2 was lively, passionate and extremely
         informative. Our next general meeting will be January 4th.
         The steering committee met on Nov. 9. It was decided that because 2023
         will be our first full year as an independent Dems group we should
         devote most of our next general meeting to discussing what the                 Helping Hands Steering Committee enjoing a Hot Dog Lunch
         membership would like the Democratic Forum to become. We'll also do                           to get ready for the Bake Sale!
         a post-election wrap-up. All are welcome to attend steering committee      (L_R)  Caroline Crawford, Judy Panish, Joe Zaffarano, Marilyn Lane,
         meetings. They meet at 2:30PM, the 2nd Wednesday of every month.                          Jeannie Zaffarano and Pauline Slagis.
         Next committee meeting is December 14.
         SAVE THE DATES:
         12/07/ 22 12:00PM Winter Holiday Luncheon                               Our last Coffee and Chat for this year was held on Friday, October 28.
         12/14/22  2:30PM Steering Committee                                     The theme for this C&C was Feeding the Hungry and we asked that
         01/04/23 1:00PM General Meeting                                         residents donate canned goods for the Social Concerns Ministry at St.
         01/11/23 2:30PM Steering Committee                                      Clare Church in Roseville headed by Brian Parry and John Eleazarraraz.                                           They feed the hungry in Roseville and surrounding areas.  So much food
                                                                                 was collected and everyone at The Club should be proud of the donation
                                  Digital World Club                             we were able to make.  Coffee and Chat also donated $60 cash. Thank
                                                                                 you everyone for your generosity.
         We are on hiatus in December, but will                                   Mia Winter of Neighborhood Watch presented Judy (Chair of Helping
         be back in the new year.  Our meeting                                   Hands) with $200 cash, which was the seed money Helping Hands
         on January 11th, 10:00am - 12:00pm                                      donated in 2018 when Mia took over Neighborhood Watch.  What a nice
         will be our traditional workshop where                                  surprise!  The money was immediately handed over to Caroline
         we share with each other what tech                                      Crawford (Chair of Coffee and Chat) to be used to purchase 2 bikes and
         gadgets we received or what we wished                                   helmets for Toys For Tots.  They are on display by the piano.  Thank
         we received over the holidays (or                                       you, Mia, for this wonderful gift.
         perhaps given to our techy grandchild -                                 Coffee and Chat takes November and December off and we will meet
         always more fun to give than receive).                                  again on Friday, January 27, 2023, at 9am.  We are looking for additional
         We plan to meet again in the Library given the current wifi issue       residents to become a part of the host group to help set up.  It only takes
         resolution (possibly resolved by this writing).  Members will be notified  one day a month (the last Friday of every month, from 8am to 10am.)
         by email with details (sign up for email notification on your profile page  You would be setting up the tables and food (donated by you and guests
         by checking the DWC box).                                               that attend) and checking in guests when they arrive.  Please let us know
         Check out for a plethora of ideas.  Those Black Friday deals   (email Caroline Crawford at ) if we can count on
         may have been extended.                                                 you to continue this favorite gathering that has been going on for more
         If your need computer/device help, contact Rick at                      than 12 years.  We will do out best to help or guide you in the   Our annual Bake Sale and Hot Dog Lunch at the Craft Fair is just around
         right direction.                                                        the corner on Saturday, Dec. 3rd from 10am-2pm.  WE WILL BE
         We wish everyone the happiest of holidays!                              NEEDING BAKERS TO WOW US WITH THEIR TASTY TREATS.
         Rick Koehler, Jim Lindauer, Jody Oberdank, and Rebecca Jenkins          Please watch for the emails from Helping Hands for details.  If you don’t
                                                                                 bake, we will also gratefully accept cash donations (at your discretion) to
                                    Hand and Foot                                help defray the cost of supplies and food for the Hot Dog Lunch.   We
         Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm   are looking forward to seeing you there and enjoying the all the goodies!
         until around 4 pm.  Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who   ALL PROCEEDS GO DIRECTLY TO CHARITY
         plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards  There will also be a special booth (near the pool table) with cards hand
         so that play can begin by 2 p.m.)  Come join us and have some fun. If   made by Maria Winkler and Sam McGuff.  You can buy all you’ll need
         you would like to learn to play or have questions contact: Gloria Cordle- for the next year (!) with pricing from $1-$5.  They will be donating all
         Borley 209-402-1933 or                              money earned to Helping Hands for their charitable endeavors.
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