Page 13 - 2022-12
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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Shutterbugs continued Wii Bowling
and Bill Bowen. For good luck we will include a couple short videos on Wii Bowling is now scheduled to play on the 2nd Tuesday evening of
this topic. Every resident is welcome to join and share photos without each month. The game night for December will be cancelled due to the
having to be an official member. absence of your hosts. The next game night will be Tuesday, January
There will be no field trip in December and instead we will celebrate the 10th. Please watch for your opportunity to RSVP for January 10th starting
Holidays with a Shutterbugs Group Dinner at Rubino’s Restaurant 5015 on Tuesday, December 27th at approximately 6 pm. Reservations are
Pacific St, Rocklin. Watch your email for registration information. required in order to play. Please note: If you would like to receive Wii
For those who would like to learn how to get off auto mode and learn how Bowling group emails, please add Wii Bowling Group to your profile in
to use their DSLR-type cameras, we recommend visiting the directory. New players please email Barry and Diana Gray at: It’s free to join and get their emails. They to receive new player information that includes
do have inexpensive subscription options that are not required. how to place your required RSVP for each month's game night. Dues of
ANNOUNCING FAMILY HOLIDAY PHOTOS AT THE RETREAT $5 per person are collected the night of the event and prizes are awarded
Get your Holiday Family Portraits taken by the pros. to the highest scoring team. November Trivia Answer: In bowling, what
Here is a great opportunity to have those special Holiday Family Photos is a string of 3 consecutive open frames known as? Answer ”A Buzzard”.
taken by the Shutterbugs Photo Group for a very reasonable $5 donation. December Trivia Question: In bowling what is known as a Dinosaur?
To RSVP for a photo shoot time: Look for the answer in the January Courier. We hope to knock down
1. Look for the email sent out on Nov 15th to the community with a sign- some pins with our neighbors and friends on January 10th. Won't you
up link. join us?
2. Call Terry Brady at 360-588-6103 Wine Appreciation (WAG)
3. Email Terry Brady at
This event is provided by members of the Shutterbugs Photo group. For The 6th Annual Wine & Food Festival was a huge success! Residents of
questions please contact Terry Brady or Lou Frank the Club enjoyed a variety of wineries and restaurants along with music and dancing outside. This year’s festival was one of the best!
FUTURE FIELD TRIP THOUGHTS. Please send us your suggestions on Our annual Holiday Party “It’s The Most Wine-derful Time of the Year”
field trips you might like us to consider. will be held on Thursday, December 8th. Details of this annual party is
A reminder for all that we have decided to standardize the way we present emailed to Wine Club Members.
photos at our meetings. Please send any photos you want to Terry and he Thank you! After having the pleasure of serving as your Wine
will prepare them for showing at our meeting. You will do the narration. Appreciation Group Administrator for 8 years, the December Holiday
Several members are not as comfortable sharing and therefore this should Party will be my last planning event as I am stepping down as the
make it easier for everyone. Administrator effective December 31, 2022. There are so many people to
PLEASE SEND TERRY AN EMAIL WITH YOUR PHOTOS AS say thank you to, but I have to start with my husband Chuck, who has
“ATTACHMENTS”. Please do not embed your photos in the body of the supported me through the good, the not so good, and the great times! He
email which makes it longer to download your files. If you have a has been and still is my steady rock and to him I say thank you for always
question on how to do this, please contact Terry Brady. standing by me! I have been so fortunate to have had hard working Wine
Club members are encouraged to become a member of our Facebook Club Steering Committee Members through the years. A big thank you to
Group at: Susan & Gary Wheeler, Jim & Chris Lindauer, Nancy Donner & Dave
For questions, please contact Debbie Ferris Powel, Dee & Brian Parry (who actually served twice!) Richard Wong &
or Terry Brady, or any of your steering committee Phil Washburn, and Bonnie & Tusk Pavri. My sincere appreciation to
members. each of you for your time, energy, and great ideas. Through the years we
have been so fortunate to have volunteers to host wine events and teams
Spite & Malice to work them. A big thank you to each and every one of you who has
volunteered …. Last, but certainly not least, a big thank you to you, the
We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library. If you have questions about Wine Appreciation Group for making our group one of the best for The
our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773-6266. Club and noted as such by many wineries who have come in and want to
come back. I’m looking forward to future events managed by Bonnie
Water Volleyball Pavri and a grateful thank you to Bonnie for taking over the group.
If you would like to join the Wine Appreciation Group or have any
“This is my favorite club here at The Club”. A few members of our club questions, please feel free to contact Bonnie Pavri at 707-228-6255 or via
have told us that our Water Volleyball club is their favorite - it includes a email at
little exercise, refreshing pool time, friendly competition, and friendship. “Here’s to cold nights, warm friends, & a good glass of wine to give
We had several residents sign up as members at the recent Open House, them” Happy Holidays!
and we welcome them all!
Our club is seasonal, and will resume when the pool reopens in April. If Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
you’d like to be added to our email distribution list (to be notified about We just wrapped up our Fall performances of "Don't Drink the
schedule changes, etc), send an email to Dan Ketchum at Water". Thank you to those who came out to watch the show! New members are always welcome - no experience necessary! If you are
interested in acting or working behind the scenes, please contact Director
Rita DeMatteis:
December 2022 Page 13