Page 3 - 2022-12
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                                                                                                 Retreat Closed - Thanksgiving Day
                          Laura Young                                                            Retreat Closed - Christmas Day
                                                        Retreat Closed - New Years Day

                         Happy December!
                         I’m now into my second full month here at The Club     There is some unfinished business from November. First, we are still
                         and I’m enjoying every minute of it. It’s been great to   waiting to coordinate with the electrician to get up into the crawl
            continue to get to know everyone. If we still haven’t met yet, I hope  space to assess the area and install a motion sensor light over the
            to meet you soon!                                                   bicycle rack at The Retreat entrance. They need access to the Library

            We have so much to look forward to this month but a couple things I   and November was quite a busy month with voting, the drama group
            am most excited about are: the puzzle table is BACK and I get to    play, and all the fun. The same time they’re onsite for that project,
            help make pancakes in my pajamas for everyone! Bright and early on   they’ll be installing the electrical outlet we need for the water bottle
            December 16, The Club is hosting pajamas and pancakes. Come on      filling device. Fingers crossed that we get that knocked out in the
            down! Hope to see you!                                              next couple of weeks. The Board also approved the purchase of some
                                                                                much-needed equipment for our wonderful IT tech, Ken, to install.
            The Halloween party, Food & Wine fair, Trivia night, and 5 O’clock   This will help with the connectivity issues in the library as well as
            Somewhere have all been wonderfully attended and I look forward to   service overall when you come over to the Retreat. Pool furniture
            the Blue Christmas and Craft fair that are both just around the corner.   and umbrellas as well as chair and bench cushions will be making

            Board business: With the addition of Mary Gale by appointment at    their way to storage for the winter and safe keeping.
            the November 16 open session board meeting, you now have a fully    I hope you and yours have a happy, safe, and a joyous holiday season
            seated Board of Directors. Three new propane heaters were           may it be full of love, laughter and all things merry!
            purchased and are now out on the patio for use during the winter.
            Please see someone at the front desk for assistance with turning them

                                                                                           TOY COLLECTION BARREL
                                                                                           WILL BE AT THE RETREAT

                                                                                           FROM NOVEMBER 1st

                                                                                              Witches of WestPark
                                                                                              to DECEMBER 18th

                                                                                             NEW UNWRAPPED


                                                                                                    ($10 - $25 value)

                                                    December 2022                                                           Page 3
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