Page 4 - 2022-07
P. 4

FROM YOUR GENERAL MANAGER, Spiro Stamos                                         jeopardized while looking for the correct
                                                                                                            route or lane.
                                                                                                           Vehicle Maintenance is more important
                           Summer Tips                     the bare metal and the animal can easily fall   than you think!
                           for Dog Owners                    or slide out.                                 Keep the vehicle's timing and idle set
                             Be sure to take extra        Watch for signs of heat stroke: vomiting,       properly. Make sure the vehicle has a clean
                           precautions with man’s best       glazed eyes and disorientation. Move the       air filter. Check the battery and radiation
                           friend during the summer          animal to a cool spot and apply ice packs to   levels. If the engine needs a tune-up, it
                           months. Following are some        its head, neck, and chest. Give it small       could be wasting 15% or more of its fuel
                           important tips to help keep       amounts of water or ice cubes and rush it to   due to misfiring plugs, inefficient fuel
             your dogs safe, healthy and happy in the        the veterinarian.                              system or malfunctioning emission
             summer heat:                                                                                   controls.
            Walk dogs only when it is cool, either early  Fuel Conservation                               Properly  inflated  tires  are  also  important;
             in the morning or late at night. To avoid     How to Conserve Energy/Fuel for Vehicle         for  example,  if  tires  are  8  pounds  under
             burning their pads, do not walk them where      Users                                          inflated, it increases tire resistance by 5%,
             it would be too hot for you to go barefoot,     One way to deal with increased gas prices is   increasing fuel and tire wear.
             such as sand or sidewalks.                      to drive less. Combine trips as much as       If wheels are just 1/4" out of alignment,
            If you have to keep the dog outside, be sure    possible. Walk, ride a bicycle, use the        another factor that affects rolling resistance,
             there is plenty of shade and several sources    transit, or share a ride with another.         chalk up another 2% in fuel usage.
             of water that will not tip over. You might      Carpooling as little as 2 – 3 times is very     A cooling system thermostat stuck in the
             even consider a small plastic pool a dog        beneficial.                                    open position causes the engine to run too
             could splash in.                              Slow down! Quick starts are not only hard       cool and reduces engine efficiency by
            If you have a swimming pool, make sure to       on the vehicle but use a lot of gas. For       another 7%.
             train the dog to be familiar with the location   every five miles per hour, you go beyond     A car left idling for 30 seconds can
             of the stairs.                                  55 mph, you lose about one mile per gallon.    consume more gasoline than the amount
            In July, since fireworks and thunderstorms      A heavy foot when the light turns green        used to start the car.
             can scare dogs, keep them inside with a low     also guzzles gas.                             For each 100 extra pounds your vehicle
             playing radio.                                Avoid unnecessary braking and re-               carries, it increases fuel usage about one-
            NEVER keep a dog in a parked vehicle            accelerating. Not only is this a waste of      half mile per gallon.
             when the outside temperatures are above         fuel, but it also is quite dangerous to those     Use radial tires. They can improve fuel
             80º. Doing so even for just a few minutes       sharing the roadway with you. Pumping the      economy by about one mile per gallon.
             can be deadly!                                  gas pedal or revving the engine also causes     Limit the use of your air conditioner. It
                                                             a considerable loss of fuel.
            Never travel with a dog in the back of a      Make sure in advance you know where you         consumes more than a gallon of gasoline
             pick-up truck. Their paws can be burned on                                                     for each tank full you burn!
                                                             are going; lost fuel, patience and safety are

                                                                                        For $589

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