Page 7 - 2022-07
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Association Events

         Let’s Play Trivia                                                       Presentation - Navigating the Medical History Maze
         Tuesday, July 19th at 6:30 p.m.                                         Wednesday, August 17th at 2 p.m.
         Players will be assigned to groups of 6. You                            Club Resident Gloria Lopez (Cordle-Borley) presents The ‘Medical
         may register with a group of friends or sign up                         History Puzzle’.  Many of us have seen a variety of medical
         as a single and we will put you with a group.                           professionals throughout our lifetime, may have a medical condition, an
         Various categories will be covered, points                              allergy to a medication or several other situations. Can we help a loved
         given for correct answers and the group with the most points will be the  one in an emergency to answer the important questions asked, travel and
         winners.                                                                needed medical assistance, or just take care of ourselves when seeing a
         *MUST RSVP in advance at The Retreat*                                   medical professional or service provider? These and other questions
         **Bring to the event $2.00 CASH per player for prizes**                 arise, and this class may assist you on keeping updated on your medical
                                                                                 history or of a loved one.
         Summer Music - Threshold                                                RSVP in advance at The Retreat
         Friday, July 22nd
         7:00pm - 9:30pm                                                         Summer Music - the VinylTones
         Retreat Patio                                                           Friday, August 19th from 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
         The band has a strong horn                                              Retreat Patio
         section, great vocals and song                                          The VinylTones is a
         range that will appeal to                                               Sacramento local 3-piece
         everyone.                                                               rock band. They play an
         Please feel free to bring a                                             assortment of classic rock
         beverage of your choice to                                              hits from the 60s and
         enjoy. Wine glasses provided.                                           beyond by popular bands
         $12.00 through 7/17                                                     like the Eagles, CCR, Tom
         $14.00 after 7/17                                                       Petty, Jimmy Buffett, and
                                                                                 many others. They are a
                                                                                 vocally oriented band of
                                                                                 seasoned and grizzled
                                                                                 musicians with over 150 years combined experience.
                                                                                 Please feel free to bring a beverage of your choice to enjoy.
                                                                                 $12.00 through 8/14 and $14.00 after 8/14

                                                                                 Friday, August 26th
                                                                                 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
                                                                                 Join us for a night of Bingo.  We
         Magic and Illusion Show                                                 will play at The Retreat and also
         Thursday, July 28th                                                     on Zoom! We have a good time.
         6:00 p.m. Dinner (optional)                                             We play 12 games with a break
                                                                                 after 6.
         7:00 p.m. Show
         Take advantage of quality entertainment right here at The Retreat.      FREE - RSVP at The Retreat.
                                                                                 Many thanks to our event
         Prepare to be amazed as Anthony Hernandez will perform a 60 minute      sponsor:  Mimi Kim, Realtor
         show to include comedy, magic, and illusion.  Anthony is based in Los
         Angeles.  A treat to see a show like this in person and not on TV!      and Notary
         Dinner Menu: 1/4lb Hot Dog, Chips, Potato Salad, and Dessert
         Dinner & Show $20  /  Show only $15 /  Dinner Only $7                   Flu Shot Clinic ~ At The Retreat
                                                                                 Tuesday, September 13th
                                                                                 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
         Pool Party                                                              Safeway Pharmacy staff will be at The Retreat to administer the shots.
         Tuesday, August 9th from 11:30 - 1:30 p.m.                              Covered at no charge under most pharmacy insurance plans (except
         Live music with Bruce Barley poolside!                                  Kaiser & Health Net HMO).
         Lunch menu: Salad bar and dessert                                         Sign up at The Retreat for an appointment time
         Water, Ice Tea, and Lemonade                                              Bring the consent form with you (at The Retreat)
         Enjoy music and lunch by the pool with friends                            Bring a copy of your medical and prescription insurance
         and neighbors.                                                              information
         There is no reserved seating for this event.                              Wear a short sleeve shirt
         $10.00 /  per person

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