Page 11 - 2022-07
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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Hand and Foot Mah Jongg
Hand and Foot is a card game played Fridays at The Retreat, from 2 pm I’m Phyllis Frank and head up our Mah Jongg Group. We meet every
until around 4 pm. Cards are drawn prior to playing to determine who Tuesday afternoon here at our Retreat from 1:00 to 4:00pm.
plays together. (Players should arrive by 1:50 p.m. in order to draw cards We would love to have you join us. It’s a fun afternoon playing, meeting
so that play can begin by 2 p.m.) If you want to learn to play, contact and making new Friends. Mah Jongg is a game of skill &
Donna Sager by email, phone or text, and I will get back to you. Come luck. Beginners and experienced players are welcome. I have taught
join us and have some fun. Thanks or 916-834- many of our players and I am willing to teach whom ever might be
4249 Interested.
We play the American version on the current 2022 card, which is
Helping Hands 2.0
ordered on line from the National Mah Jongg League.
Can’t believe it’s already the 4th of July. A time to celebrate America! Please contact me Phyllis Frank or call 916-749-7641.
We had a great June 24 Coffee and Chat and looking forward to the next
one on Friday, July 29 at 9am at the Retreat. It is a great opportunity to Mexican Train (Dominos)
meet new neighbors and catch up with old friends! We share breakfast
treats donated by residents and enjoy a breakfast drink while being Please join us for Mexican Train (dominos) on Friday nights at 6:00pm!
informed of all the events that will be taking place at the Club in addition If you don’t know how to play, we’d be happy to teach you. Everyone is
to meeting the Management Staff. Look for the email invitation and welcome to play - singles and couples. Contact Laura Wilson at (925)
please RSVP. We hope to see you there. 325-7953 if you have any questions.
We are in full planning mode for our Fall Fashion Show and Luncheon
scheduled for Wednesday, September 28 from 11-3 at the Timbers. We Neighborhood Watch
will be selling tickets for this event on Thursday, August 25th from 9:30-
11:30 at the Retreat. We will provide you with more information as the
time comes closer, so watch for the emails. We are looking forward to a
fabulous event after our 2-year hiatus and hope to see you there.
We have been sending out lots of cards lately, mostly due to Covid
infections. As many of you know, when notified, Helping Hands sends
cards to those residents of The Club who are ill, had surgery, been
hospitalized, or experienced a death in the family. These cards are
lovingly hand made by several of our residents. PLEASE EMAIL so we can send a card which will be so RAISE THE AMERICAN FLAG TO HONOR OUR NATION’S
appreciated by the recipient. FINEST
In addition, both Sam McGuff and Maria Winkler “upcycle” used cards NATIONAL NIGHT OUT
that you receive, or all those cards that you get from various charities and TUESDAY, AUGUST 2
use various parts of them to create beautiful new Get Well and Sympathy Do your part to honor the men and women of the Roseville Police and
cards. They use all parts of the cards, but if you have a sentiment you Fire Department. Raise the American flag to show solidarity. If you’d
want to save, you can just remove that section. They will also be making like to personally meet our men and women in blue, take a short walk to
make holiday, birthday, thank you or ornamental note cards to sell at the Festersen Park at 5 pm (corner of Kennerleigh Parkway and Village
Craft Fair next year and donate the profits to Helping Hands, which will Green) to say hello.Keeping our Neighborhood Safe
all be donated to charity The Neighborhood Watch Team
So, gather your cards. You can bring them to the Coffee and Chat, drop Mia Winter, Director
them off at Sam’s home – 317 Lixton Ct or Maria’s home at 2040
Appersett Loop. If you would like your cards to be picked up, Sam will Orchid Group
be glad to do that. You can call her at 1-925-285-1049. The orchid group is taking July off and will return with a regular meeting
Have a great summer! Stay Cool and Stay Safe! on August 6th at 2:00pm in the library at The Retreat. At our next
meeting we will discuss how an orchid gets from the growers in Taiwan
Line Dancing
(or other places including growers in the US) to the grocery store and
then bought by you to be displayed on your kitchen counter. This is a
"The beat may reach your feet, but the rhythm should electrify your fascinating process and you won't want to miss how it's done.
soul!" As always, the meeting will feature an orchid show and tell where
Are you looking for something fun to do while exercising your mind and members bring in their orchids to share with everyone. You'll always see
body? Then stop by the Wellness Room on Fridays at noon and check some interesting and unusual types of orchids. At every meeting, there is
out our Line Dance Group. a free raffle. If you come to the meeting, you get a raffle ticket and could
No special equipment needed, but smooth soled shoes work best. go home with a new orchid.
Email with any questions. Because we are skipping July, we will have meetings in August, October
and December for the rest of this year. Next year we'll go back to our
meeting in January and then every other month for the rest of the year.
July 2022 Page 11