Page 14 - 2022-07
P. 14
periences and to give others some ideas about ways they can continue
to feel valuable when retired.
Many thanks to all who have participated in this article in the past. If
you love to tie flies, sculpt, help others, bake bread, write books, gar-
Six years ago in the December 2016 Courier, we featured Louise Glynn den, fish, travel, or have a passion about something new we haven’t
as our first Featured Artist. I believe the original intent was to promote thought of please let Shannon or Community Connections know so we
the water color class. Since then we have been fortunate to have dis- can contact you about a future article. We can help write the article, but
covered so much artistic talent in our community. We have featured you will have right of approval.
artists who draw and paint, artists who create beautiful stones and jew-
elry, artists who carve wood, artists who sew, an artist who creates Previously Featured:
unique book bindings and artists who take photos. Barbara Allen, Jim Bender, Bill Bowen, Terry Brady, Michael Brown,
Richard Capp, Susan DeNeef, Nancy Donner, Carolyn Duran, Jay and
A couple of years ago we changed the title of the feature and the pur- Debbie Ferris, Scott and Ann Fischer, Lou and Phyllis Frank, Susan
pose of the feature to have a greater reach to more of our residents. We Garcia, Barry Golko, Peni Guyer, Linda Hall, Dan and Joanne
now call it the Featured Resident. The purpose of the article now is to Ketchum, David Komar, LeAnne Koppel, Jane Leadmon, Jim
encourage all of you as you approach or enjoy retirement to think about Lindauer, Herb Lindner, Rita Matteis, Blanca McGilligan, Sam
those pursuits that may have had to take a back burner while you McGuff, Mark Moore, Dennis Musselman, Mike Nowicki, Pat
earned a living, raised a family, and got on with life. We hope one of Patterson, Renee Rankin, Cynthia Simmons, Richard Small, Dona
the articles will inspire you to join the hiking club or shutterbugs and Smith, Jim Spriggs, Pamela Stephens, Dick Tipton, Patra Trawick, Jill
remember that you used to love to get out and take pictures, or to join Urfer, Yvonne Vanoni, Dave Veach, Norm Vig, John Vogel, Phil
the watercolor or drawing class, or to participate in one of our many Washburn, Maria Winkler, Richard Wong.
other special interest groups and to get help from fellow residents in
learning or re-engaging in an old passion. We also have many residents
who devote a lot of their time volunteering here in our community and
in the broader Roseville community. We’d like them to share their ex-
July 2022 Page 14