Page 13 - 2022-07
P. 13

Shared Interest Group Announcements

                              Wine Appreciation (WAG)                                          Ye Olde WestPark Players - Drama Group
         Due to Harney Lane Winery canceling their visit to our June event, the   Save the Date!   Ye Olde Westpark Players will be presenting our Fall
         Wine Appreciation Group had to cancel.  We were sorry this happened.     Production of "Don't Drink the Water" on Nov 11, 12, and 13.  It is a
         We are very pleased to announce our July Event – 60s Summer of           hilarious comedy with both major and minor roles so there is a part for
         Love!  We will have a BBQ Buffet provided by Matt, from Gourmet          actors at every level.  Auditions will start on Monday, July 18 at 6:30 pm
         Garage along with a ‘best dressed’ in 60s attire, a photo gallery of ‘back   in the Cafe at the Retreat.  This play has a lot of props so we need
         in the 60s’, vintage autos in the parking lot, and a DJ playing favorites   technical support people too.  New members are always welcome - no
         from the Summer of Love.  Details of this event has been emailed to      experience necessary!  If you are interested in acting or working behind
         WAG Members.                                                             the scenes, please contact Director Rita DeMatteis:
         It is appreciated that if you sign up for the WAG event and are unable to
         attend, please contact the Host or Helen to let them know.  Also, PLEASE
         do not go into Sign-Up Genius and delete or change your
         reservations.  Please contact Helen!  Thank you!
         If you would like to join the Wine Appreciation Group or have any
         questions, please feel free to contact me, Helen Warren, 916-768-0122 or
         via email at
         “If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliché that must have been left
         behind in the Sixties, that’s his problem…Love and peace are
         eternal.”  John Lennon

                                                           Club Classifieds

          Travel Companion                                                       Wine Glasses
          We would go as individuals. Just looking for a friend who would like   Venus DeMilo $10 / each 10 available, prefer to sell in
          to share the experience. We would travel with OAT TRAVEL. I have       pairs.  916-742-1037
          about 20 previous trips with them, and they are safe. Usually 10-20
          people per trip, depending upon the trip. Please email me and we can   Card Players Wanted
          get together to talk about it.                   Anyone play Canadian Rummy or Euchre?
                                                                                 Looking for a few who enjoy playing these card games.
          KitchenAid Air Fryer                                         
          Model KCO124 Used four times.                                          |
          Clean as a whistle.                                                    Reference Wanted
          $159.00 new For sale $80.00                                            Looking for a reference of a reputable contractor for crown molding,
          Call Dee 916-205-6777                                                  chair rail and wainscoting. Please email or call me at 916-342-2862.
                                                                                 Thank you! Gina Stamper @ 916-342-2862 or
          Event Tickets
          Two tickets for sale for "Come From Away" at the Safe Credit Union     Dog Walker
          Performing Arts Center on Thursday 9/22/22 2PM performance, Or-        $20 per walk, free dog kisses, wiggles, and more!   Daily dog walker
          chestra S123 & S124 (aisle), $65 each. Would prefer to sell both tick-  for three weeks, 45 minutes. Walk around the Westpark area.
          ets instead of just one. Contact Denise & Bob Caputo, 9167821663.      Scott Haskins
          Spare Tire                                                             Storage Chest
          FOR SALE: Donut and rim to fit 2015 Prius hatchback sedan.  Spare      The genuine teakwood outdoor storage chest with cover & bottle of
          tires were not included in the 2015 model.  Purchased from the deal-   teakwood oil, can hold patio pillow cushions and pool toys. It's in good
          er.  $20 OBO.  916-715-9292                                            condition. $50 or 408.219.3946
                                                                                 Mia Winter

                                                        Do you have something to sell?
                                                                Try our Classifieds!

                             Visit the community website to view photographs and review the most up to date ads.
                      To have your ad included in the next Courier, visit our website or email your ad to

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