Page 12 - 2022-07
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                       Pinochle                                                               Shutterbugs

         COME PLAY PINOCHLE EVERY SATURDAY @ 10AM TO NOON  question on how to do this, please contact Terry Brady.
         AT THE CLUB                                                             PLEASE NOTE! If you no longer wish to receive emails from our group,
         Every Saturday 10 to 15 players are at The Club to play lively games of   please send a quick note with the TITLE REMOVE
         PINOCHLE. We play Three handed and Partner single deck Pinochle         ME.
         10am to noon. If you are rusty and have not played in a while the group   All club members are encouraged to make sure they become a member of
         will help you come back up to speed.  Win or lose we are here to have a   our Facebook Group at:
         good time. If you are interested in playing Pinochle drop in or call Alan   groups/436603713658143
         Uman. Any questions e-mail Alan at or call (916)872-      This is a great place to easily share your photos. Give it a try.
         8984.                                                                   For questions, please contact Debbie Ferris
                                                                                 or Terry Brady or any of your steering committee
                            Ping Pong (Table Tennis) Group                       members.

         The Ping Pong Group is a great way to get in a little exercise and have                            Spite & Malice
         fun while doing it. We have two tables and play singles and doubles. All
         levels of players are welcome.                                          We play every Sunday at 1pm in the Library.  If you have questions
         Days and Times:                                                         about our group or wish to learn to play please contact Jerye at 916-773-
         Friday 2-4pm                                                            6266.
         Saturday 2-4pm                                                                                    Water Volleyball
         Sunday 2-4pm
         Tuesday 2-4pm (if Wellness room is available).                          Water Volleyball group is a 'drop in' sport, no dues or RSVP needed! No
         Just drop in, or email Francis Chang at to be added to  experience is needed either!
         our email list.                                                         Two teams are created once everyone has arrived. We keep score, but
                                                                                 just for that day. We usually play 4-5 games in an hour. Players serve &
                                      Poker Club                                 return the soft ball back and forth to make points.

                                                                                 The pool is only 3.5-4ft deep and is heated to 83 deg, so playing in water
         Both men and women. We play different games, dealer choice, we start    is very refreshing.   Pool/water shoes are suggested.
         at 6pm to 9pm every Wednesday.                                          We play every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:45am-12:45pm. If you'd
         Any questions call Phil Lander (916) 872-8060                           like to be added to the SIG's email list to receive updates and reminders,
                                                                                 including any changes we make to the time or day that we play, contact
                                                                                 Dan Ketchum at
         The Shutterbugs next meeting will be in person at our usual time of 2
         pm. on Thursday, July 7th. We will be sharing our photos from our field
         trip to the Folsom Zoo as well as our photo shoot theme for June which is
         the same subject photographed in different ways.  Every resident is
         welcome to join and share photos without having to be an official
         member.  We kindly ask out of consideration for those who are at risk
         that if you are not fully vaccinated and boosted, please do not attend.
         Please be prepared to share your vaccine status.
         Our photo shooting theme for the month of July will be black and white
         photos. We will share these photos at our August meeting.
         No July field trip since many folks take their vacations then. However,
         we will do a group lunch at the New Mikuni.   More details to come
         watch your email for the registration information.                                                  Wii Bowling
         Please send us your suggestions on field trips you might like us to     Wii Bowling is usually played on the first Saturday of the month.  The
         consider.                                                               next game night will be Saturday July 2nd.  Please watch for your
         A reminder for all that we have decided to standardize on the way we    opportunity to RSVP for July 2nd on June 19th at approximately 6
         present photos at our meetings. Please send any photos you want to Terry  pm.  New players please email Barry and Diana Gray at
         and he will prepare for showing at our meeting. You will do the to receive new player information that includes
         narration. Several members are not as comfortable sharing and therefore  how to place your RSVP for each month.  Dues of $3 per person are
         this should make it easier for everyone.                                collected on the night of the event and prizes are awarded to the highest
         PLEASE SEND TERRY AN EMAIL WITH YOUR PHOTOS AS                          scoring team. We hope to see you in July.
         “ATTACHMENTS”. Please do not embed your photos in the body of the
         email which makes it longer to download your files. If you have a

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