Page 5 - 2022-07
P. 5

                          Christina Gee

                          Everyone enjoys a rebate every now and again. Did      The ARC Committee will be approving drought tolerant landscape at
                          you know that the city of Roseville is offering rebates  the next ARC meeting on June 28, 2022, which will be added to the
            for those who change out less water efficient devices in their home   existing tree/plant list for landscape options. When you get ready to
            with something new? Some of the offers are noted below:              make the change to drought tolerant landscape, be sure to explore the

            1. Upgrade your existing toilet to a more efficient model. A rebate   additional approved options. There is vast array of colors and selec-
               of up to $100 towards the cost of a qualifying model replacement   tions to choose from.
               is available. You must participate in a pre-inspection before re-  Request for Solar Panel installations have increased. If you are
               placing your existing toilet. Upgrades made without city of Rose-  considering putting Solar on your home here are the guidelines you
               ville approval will disqualify you from the rebate.               need to know.
               Funding is limited and applications will be accepted on first
               come, first served basis. Receipt must be dated within 90 days or  1.7.4 All solar equipment installations require prior ARC approval.
               purchase; no exceptions.                                          The ARC shall only enforce reasonable restrictions regarding the in-
                                                                                 stallation and maintenance of solar systems.
            2. Convert your water-thirsty grass to a water efficient landscape.
               The city of Roseville will rebate customers $1.00 per square foot The preferred location of solar inverter boxes is in the
               of turf grass removed and replaced with water efficient landscape        garage.
               up to $1000 per address.
               Funding is limited and application will be accepted on a first  If inverter box is mounted on the exterior of the home,
                                                                                        it must be installed in the backyard below the fence line.
               come, first served basis. Also note that you conversion project
               must be completed within 120 days of your pre-inspection date;  Disconnect box and wiring conduit must be painted to
               no exception. Customers may apply for this program once per fis-         match the home.
               cal year.

                       FROM YOUR LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR
                                                                                     UPCOMING EVENTS                  DATE                TIME
                       Shannon Van Every                                             July 3rd Picnic Party             Sun., July 3rd      6:00pm
              or 916-771-7801
                                                                                     Painting Class - weekly           Thurs., July7th     1:30pm
                                                                                     Lunch Around Town                 Fri., July 8th     11:45am
           Magic and Illusion Show - I am so excited to host entertainment like this
           right here at The Retreat. Anthony is bringing to WestPark a Vegas-style   Chair Massage                    Sat., July 9th     11:00am
           show, on Thursday, July 28th, that will dazzle and mystify you. We are    Community Coffee w/ City Counsel   Mon., July 11th    3:00pm
           offering a simple Hot Dog Dinner before the show.                         Trivia                            Tues., July 19th    6:30pm

           Craft Fair - the Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, December 3rd.       Summer Music - Threshold          Fri., July 22nd     7:00pm
           Resident registration will take place on Tuesday, October 4th and         Chair Massage                     Mon., July 25th     1:00pm
           Non-Resident registration will take place on Tuesday, November 1st.       ARC Meeting                       Tues., July 26th    8:30am
           Watch the Courier for more details.
                                                                                     Potluck                           Tues., July 26th    5:30pm
           Thank you to everyone who got in the spirit and decorated the streets and   Annual Meeting / Election       Wed., July 27th     3:00pm
           driveways with fun art for your neighbors to enjoy.   A sweet message was   Magic & Illusion Show           Thurs., July 28th   7:00pm
           decorated at The Retreat.  Thank you! Check out pages 18 and 19.
                                                                                     Pool Party                        Tues., Aug. 9th    11:30am
                                                                                     Lunch Around Town                 Fri., Aug. 12th    11:45am
                                                                                     Medical Information Presentation  Wed., Aug. 17th     2:00pm
                                                                                     Summer Music – the VinylTones     Fri., Aug. 19th     7:00pm
                                                                                     Bingo                             Fri., Aug. 26th     6:30pm
                                                                                     Flu Shot Clinic                   Tue., Sept. 13th   10:00am

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